Also, do you need to run a NPDB query for honorary staff members at reappointment?
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Quick Tip

Do you have to run a National Practitioner Data Bank query for honorary staff members at reappointment?

Todd Sagin, MD, JD: They are staff member but have no privileges. This is an opportunity to get familiar with NPDB Guidebook. The NPDB Guidebook states that regardless of whether someone holds privileges if they hold medical staff membership, must query NPDB every two years.


CRC Member Exclusive

Distinguishing between indicator types: Review, rule, and rate

Although OPPE indicators vary widely depending on a hospital’s operational and care circumstances, clinical varieties are generally founded on the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education’s six core competencies.


CRC Conference Corner

Heard and seen in Las Vegas: Day Three

Here are some highlights from Day 3 of the CRC Symposium!

"We cross-trained credentialing specialists and gave them the same job description so we can use them where we need them. It might be slow in initial appointments, and we need more resources in reappointments."

- Leslie Cox, BS, MHA, CPMM, CPCS, discusses improving CVO performance.


"What does traditional medical training have to do with being a successful medical staff leader? I would argue not a lot."

- John McDonald, MD, MSHM, CMQ, discusses the type of training medical staff leaders really should have to be effective.

Post-conference cool down

Thank you to all the attendees who joined us for the 2019 CRC Symposium! Once the conference is over, there’s a few things to remember:

  • Obtain your CEUs online. To receive your continuing education certificate for this program, you must complete the online evaluation. For more continuing education information, see the 2019 CRC Symposium Program Guide.
  • Download conference materials. If you want to refer back to any presentations you attended, don’t forget to download PDF copies of the sessions’ slides. A link to the downloadable content can be found in the program guide.
  • Get excited for the 2020 CRC Symposium. Stay tuned for details about next year’s conference!
  • Enjoy your remaining time in Las Vegas. If you’re extending your stay in the city, don’t forget to reference our list of local attractions.

Keep your eye on CRC Daily. We will feature a little more coverage from the conference in upcoming editions so check back in with us.

Keep the community alive online

The conference mobile app will remain active for a year, so keep posting comments and photos to the Activity Feed. You can also use the app’s message feature to keep in touch with other attendees you’ve met these past few days. Just because the conference is over, doesn’t mean you can’t keep networking.

You can also engage with us on social media through LinkedIn and our Twitter account. You can also email any conference memories directly to Your comments could end up in a future edition of CRC Daily.




Symposium Spotlight

Congratulations to the 2019 CRC Symposium attendees who won prizes for sharing great photos and memories on the conference app!


Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email



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