Society Dreams ... Remembering Jackie Forever ... No Holds Barred ... Writers & their Windows ... & Taking Refuge in Venice ... 

Society Dreams: Gay Talese

Today we’re running Lauren Lawrence’s “Dream” tellers, and her subject is Gay Talese, the distinguished author of real life tales.


No Holds Barred: How low can you go?

"It seems more chaos is the new lifestyle baseline ..." So states Blair Sabol in her latest No Holds Barred (political) discourse.


Remembering Jackie Forever

"She bore the burden, as children do, of cherishing a father who had lost control of his life and never regained it. But she was irrepressible and she had grace.”


To revive and rehabilitate — Caron Treatment Centers and Sun River Health

Lee Fryd takes on the subject of addiction and affordable health care while covering the 30th Annual Gala for Caron Treatment Centers before heading out east for a cocktail party for Sun River Health.


Jill Krementz Photo Journal: In Celebration of National Window Day — A Collection of Writers & their Windows

Jill Krementz educates us about National Window Day and astounds us with 50 of her portraits of writers & their windows.


Refuge in Venice at Biennale Arte 2024, Part II

Part II of Barbara Hodes' travelogue in Venice around the 60th International Art Exposition, aka the Biennale.


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