TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 14, 2017

Hightower: How Can We Stop the 1 Percent From Robbing Us?

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

You'd get prison time for robbing a bank at gunpoint; bankers who rob customers get multimillion-dollar payouts. READ MORE»

9 Ultranationalist Trump Supporters and Right-Wing Leaders Who Are Rapidly Losing Patience with the President

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Richard Spencer and Ann Coulter have called out the president. Could Steve Bannon be next? READ MORE»

Red-State Progressives Fight to Protect Abortion Rights: Turning the Tables on Right-Wing Lawmakers

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Bills in five GOP-controlled states seek to protect abortion access from attacks by anti-science conservatives. READ MORE»

Disturbing Footage Shows Cop Stomping on Handcuffed Black Man's Face

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

Activists are demanding the officer's termination.  READ MORE»

New Research Shows Greediest Charter School Operators Looting Taxpayers Via Real Estate Deals

By Jennifer Berkshire, Have You Heard

They run K-12 public schools, but reap private fortunes.  READ MORE»

16 Big Lessons from Trump and the GOP's First Attempt to Destroy Our Health Care System—Here They Go Again

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Lessons from a key Democratic health care operative. READ MORE»

Dutch Kids Aren't Stressed Out: What Americans Can Learn From How the Netherlands Raises Children

By Rina Mae Acosta, Michele Hutchison, The Experiment

UNICEF rated Dutch children the happiest in the world, and American kids aren't even in the top 25. Here's why. READ MORE»

This Country Is Up for Grabs: A Call for a Populist Left

By Yotam Marom, Medium

The only thing that will beat Trump is a genuinely left populist movement. READ MORE»

Finally, a Breakthrough Alternative to Growth Economics

By George Monbiot, The Guardian

Instead of growth at all costs, a new economic model allows us to thrive while saving the planet. READ MORE»

How the Democrats Lost West Virginia and the Coal Miners to Trump

By Les Leopold, AlterNet

Only massive government intervention can bring shared prosperity to West Virginians. READ MORE»

Olive, Canola, Corn or Coconut: What's the Healthiest Cooking Oil?

By Kris Gunnars, Authority Nutrition

It's not just a matter of choosing oils that are healthy, but also whether they stay healthy after having been cooked with. READ MORE»

Why Trump Was Able to Sucker the World on Syria

By Neal Gabler,

The reality-show presidency goes to war. READ MORE»

For 4/20, Peter Tosh's 'Legalize It' Rides Again

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

The most classic marijuana legalization anthem ever is getting a makeover. READ MORE»

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