TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 8, 2017

Hightower: This Is Our Only Hope to Stop Trump and the Corporate Assault on Our Democracy

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Our greatest strength is not in Washington rallies and protests—it's our ability to organize and mobilize around issues of populist justice. READ MORE»

Why Is Media Citing Man Accused of Kidnapping Journalists as Credible Source on Syrian Chemical Attack?

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

With military intervention on the horizon, media outlets cite Shajul Islam, a doctor accused of working with extremists in Syria. READ MORE»

Jared Kushner Hid Dozens of Meetings With Russians From His Application for Top-Secret Security Clearance

By Taylor Link, Salon

Kushner failed to report dozens of contacts with foreign leaders. His lawyer argues Kushner simply forgot. READ MORE»

Pry Your Eyes Away From Sean Spicer for a Moment and Look Hard at Some of His Supporting Buffoons

By Rick Perlstein, The Washington Spectator

There's a new press corps in the White House. READ MORE»

10 Republicans Who Have Done a Complete 180 on Syria Now That Obama's Not President

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The GOP changes their tune when one of their own is in the White House. READ MORE»

Being Wealthy in America Earns You 15 Extra Years of Life Span Over the Poor

By Jessica Glenza, The Guardian

The health insurance system—the most expensive in the world—is a worsening situation, researchers find, arguing health care should be treated as a human right. READ MORE»

Adam Curtis: Donald Trump Has Become a Deep State Puppet

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The legendary documentarian shares his thoughts on the Syrian airstrike and Trump's presidency. READ MORE»

10 of the Best Reactions to Putin's 'Gay Clown' Ban from Around the World

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

From silly and crude to downright absurd. READ MORE»

A Family Planning Miracle in Colorado: Program Has Teen Births and Abortions Drop by Half, and It's Heading to Other States

By Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

Are Oregon and Washington next in line? READ MORE»

America Has Become a War Machine—and It Has Destroyed Our Ability to Function as a Democracy

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

“Violence abroad breeds violence at home. READ MORE»

How Climate Change Could Blow Up Your Electricity Bill

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

As the world warms, U.S. electricity costs are likely to increase over the next century by billions of dollars. READ MORE»

Trump's Blatant Assault on the Poor and Middle Class

By Vijay Prashad, Frontline (India)

If you want to know what an administration really cares about, look at their budgets. READ MORE»

Can Vitamin D Help You Lose Weight?

By Rachael Link, Authority Nutrition

Studies show that a higher body mass index and body fat percentage are associated with lower blood levels of vitamin D. READ MORE»

America’s Demand For Drugs Is Fueling Illegal Immigration

By Victoria Kim, The Fix

Sending drugs to the US has become a $64 billion-a-year business that yields major profits for drug cartels. READ MORE»

The World Is Getting a Lot More Authoritarian

By Brian Klaas, Oxford University Press

Unless the trend is reversed, anyone born in 2016 will be, on average, less free than someone born during the 1990s. READ MORE»

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