TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 23, 2016

Tuesday Primaries: Sanders and Cruz Fail to Cut into Clinton and Trump's Delegate Leads

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Frontrunners win delegate-rich Arizona, while Bernie and Cruz pick up victories in smaller states.  READ MORE»

Toxic Traps: When These 7 Types of Plastic Are Dangerous

Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Plastic is everywhere in our society, and it is wreaking havoc with our health.  READ MORE»

The U.S. Is Becoming a Terrifying Nation for Women

Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

Why are conservatives insistent on thrusting American women into devastating situations? READ MORE»

Zero-Sum in Brussels: The Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World

By Chris Floyd, CounterPunch

The West has plenty of blood on its hands for the latest terror attacks.  READ MORE»

Trump Loves the Poorly Educated—and They Love Him Right Back

By David Masciotra, Salon

Trump is taking advantage of his supporters using psychology rather than reason. READ MORE»

Editorial: Please Support AlterNet in the Fight Against Trump-Inspired Violence

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

The money-hungry corporate media are a huge part of the problem.  READ MORE»

Hundreds of Scholars Demand Justice for Assassinated Honduran Indigenous Activist Berta Cáceres

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Latin America experts penned an open letter demanding an end to human rights violations and impunity. READ MORE»

Watch: Donald Trump Shows Alarming Willingness to Use Fascist Terms and Styles

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Having a billionaire president is begging for an oligarchy—or worse.  READ MORE»

Virginia Has Been Putting 'Habitual Drunkards' on a Shady Blacklist and Targeting Them

By Kristen Gwynne, The Influence

A questionably legal program unfairly targets poor residents, sweeping them off the street and into jail.  READ MORE»

How Trump Dog-Whistles the Business Establishment

By William Greider, The Nation

He cleverly woos the GOP base on issues like trade, but this working-class hero is actually a willing agent of the 1 percenters. READ MORE»

Cuba: Island of Broken Hearts, Including Castro's

By Louis Navaer, New America Media

The Cuban revolution has some unintended romantic consequences. READ MORE»

How Ethnic Studies Programs Have a Positive Ripple Effect on Academic Performance of At-Risk Youth

By Emily Wilson, AlterNet

It's proven: Instead of focusing on the dominant culture, programs that reflect a more diverse world can help keep teens in school. READ MORE»

Why the Breakfast Most Americans Will Eat Today Is a Corporate Scam

By Anneli Rufus, AlterNet

Cold cereal, donuts and orange juice are breakfast staples because somebody somewhere wanted money. READ MORE»

Ex-Scientologist Guzzled Bleach in Desperate Escape Attempt From Cult's Hellish Gulag

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Hard labor, emotional abuse were an every day occurrence.  READ MORE»

Chemical Companies Decide What's Toxic, Not the EPA or FDA

By Wendell Potter, Nick Penniman, Bloomsbury Press

A bill on drinking water standards was being vetted—and possibly even written, at least in part—by chemical industry lobbyists. READ MORE»

It Happened to Me: I Have a Chronic Condition That Was Misdiagnosed as UTIs for Six Years

By Kate Snow, xojane

My flare-ups consist of pain that feels like my bladder is made of hellfire, and I'm peeing out acid and broken glass every 15 minutes. READ MORE»

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