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March 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton Wants to End Tipping as We Know It

White House hopeful Hillary Clinton has entered the gratuity debate, and it turns out she’s against tipping — at least in its current recognizable form.[related]When restaurant employees, chefs, and restaurateurs express their disdain for tipping...Read More
Clinton vowed that if she is elected president, she will make sure no one makes sub-minimum wage before tipping.

8 Small Snacks to Sneak Into the Movies

We absolutely love going to the movies. Spending an evening gazing up at the big screen, surrounded by overwhelming sounds, snacking on handful after handful of popcorn, and sipping on an oversized soda is our favorite way to while away a few hours...Read More

OddFellows Is Serving 3 Irish Whiskey Ice Creams in Honor of St. Patrick’s Day

OddFellows, the New York City ice cream shop that specializes in inventive flavors like extra virgin olive oil, miso cherry, and absinthe chocolate chip, is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day the right way — with plenty of Irish whiskey.[slideshow:2595][...Read More
OddFellows Is Serving 3 Irish Whiskey Ice Creams in Honor of St. Patrick’s Day

Why Corned Beef and Cabbage Is the Best Meal for St Paddy’s Day

As soon as St Paddy’s Day appears on our calendars, plans begin to be made for a day of Guinness, green cocktails, Lucky Charms, and of course, the most important part: corned beef and cabbage. Every year, we turn to this salty, hearty, comforting...Read More
Corned Beef and Cabbage

Be a Better Host: 14 Professionals Tell You How

Have you ever wondered what the secret to hosting a successful dinner party is? That secret that all those calm, elegant hosts seem to know, but you just can’t figure out? The party professionals are here to reveal their dinner party tips to help...Read More
Dinner Table

7 Things You Should Never Order From Room Service

Picking up the phone and dialing “0” to order your favorite club sandwich, a shrimp cocktail, and a bottle of chilled white wine, from the comfort of your luxurious, perfectly squidgy, king-size bed has got to be the ultimate traveling indulgence....Read More
Room Service

Make Your Own Sushi for Your Brunch or Dinner Party? Yes! Here’s How

Making sushi at home may sound like an impossible task that’s not even worth thinking about attempting. Surely there’s a reason people always order sushi as a take-out option on a Friday night, rather than attempting to make it at home. Although it...Read More
Sushi Rolls

14 Birthday Cakes Your Kids Will Never Forget

Children’s birthday parties are the happiest days made up of presents, laughter, lots of attention, the best party food, endless games, and, most importantly, a birthday cake. This day is the one day of the year when every child deservedly garners...Read More
Surprise-Inside Cake

14 Birthday Cakes Your Kids Will Never Forget

Children’s birthday parties are the happiest days made up of presents, laughter, lots of attention, the best party food, endless games, and, most importantly, a birthday cake. This day is the one day of the year when every child deservedly garners...Read More
Surprise-Inside Cake
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