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 Glenn Beck

Sponsored Message

Thursday, August 10, 2017


Views of our sponsors do not necessarily reflect that of Glenn Beck or Mercury Radio Arts, Inc.


Dear Reader,

After decades of getting everything they want, the Clintons are finally tasting the bitter rejection of the American people.

First, Hillary lost the election in a landslide...

Then, their giant "pay to play" scheme dried up...

And now, a rogue Washington insider just released this incriminating video.

It exposes a massive Clinton scandal going all the way back to 1993.

Which... you guessed it... FAILED.

I just found a full, uncensored version of the video here.

Click here now to check it out.


P.S. Liberals are already crying "foul" over this incriminating video. But what do you expect from a group who still haven't gotten over Trump's victory? To see what has them up in arms, click here now.

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