TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 23, 2016

Understanding Trump

By George Lakoff, AlterNet

Look at who he appeals to, why and how to respond. READ MORE»

Hillary Clinton Picks Virginia Senator Tim Kaine for VP, Frustrating Sanders Delegates

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Clinton calls him progressive, but critics say he's too pro-corporate. READ MORE»

After that Diabolical, Masterful Performance, Donald Trump Could Easily End up President

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

Seen live, Trump's speech hits 7.5 on the Nuremberg scale, and the nightmare scenario inches closer to reality. READ MORE»

Oliver Stone Issues Dire Warning on the Age of Pokemon Go: 'It's What They Call Totalitarianism'

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

The filmmaker is not trying to catch 'em all. READ MORE»

A Third Woman Alleges She Was Sexually Assaulted By Donald Trump

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Read her claims before you dismiss her.  READ MORE»

Thousands Will March in Philly to Demand Fracking Ban on Eve of Democratic National Convention (VIDEO)

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

The march comes on the heels of yet another study revealing the negative public health impacts of fracking. READ MORE»

Donald Trump’s Dark and Scary Night

By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship,

The GOP presidential nominee's acceptance speech was a litany of fear and resentment, a dog whistle to disaffected white Americans. READ MORE»

Authorities Investigating Officers Who Made Racist Comments After Brutally Arresting a Black Schoolteacher

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

Just in case you don't think racism plays a role in police brutality.  READ MORE»

How Billionaires Are Successfully Fooling Us Into Destroying Public Education—and Why Privatization Is a Terrible Idea

By Diane Ravitch, Basic Books

The billionaire-backed privatization movement is stealthily advancing an undemocratic agenda, cloaked in deceptive rhetoric, that the public is not aware of and does not understand. READ MORE»

America's "Psychedelic Spring"—Why Are These Drugs Growing in Cultural Importance Again?

By Sarah Beller, The Influence

A conversation with one of the leading voices of the psychedelic revival points to some answers.  READ MORE»

10 Adventurous Sex Positions to Help You Get In Shape

By Katia Kleyman, AlterNet

Sex can help you work up a sweat and get you on the path to losing weight. READ MORE»

Former Sandra Bland Jailer Admits Falsifying Logs — He Never Checked on Her Just Before Her Death

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Similar violations in the past have resulted in criminal indictments. READ MORE»

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