TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 16, 2016

Trump and Clinton’s Big Night Poses Hard Questions For Sanders Campaign and His Youthful Supporters

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Once Tuesday night’s dust settles, will the two campaigns come together? READ MORE»

Building a Local Peace Economy: We Have the Power

Judy Wicks , AlterNet

Many activists don’t seem to think it matters where they spend their money. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's War on the First Amendment

Bill Blum, Truthdig

His commitment to free speech extends only to himself.  READ MORE»

Why Hundreds of Thousands of Women in America Are Now Forced to Attempt Risky At-Home Abortions

By David Masciotra, AlterNet

Dawn Porter, director of the new documentary "Trapped," takes viewers to the in the American war on women. READ MORE»

Republicans in Congress Push Extreme Anti-Refugee Bill That Mirrors Trump's Xenophobia

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Backer of proposed House bill has close ties to gay-bashing anti-mosque crusader Bryan Fischer. READ MORE»

Cult TV Hero Xena 'Warrior Princess' Finally Comes out of the Closet

By Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon

Everyone who watched knew Gabrielle wasn't just her sidekick—but the new show will "fully explore" their couplehood. READ MORE»

If Bernie Had Been Bernadette

By Lauren Besser, Huffington Post

There's no denying that had Bernie been Bernadette you'd have to be tied to a stake to feel the Bern. READ MORE»

Six Reasons Why the Revolt Against Standardized Testing Is Good for Students and Parents of Color

By Jesse Hagopian, I Am an Educator

Hundreds of thousands of families across the country are opting out in what has become a national movement. READ MORE»

Six Billion-Dollar Industries That Make Their Profits from Exploiting the Poor

By Bill Quigley, AlterNet

Many wealthy owners behind payday loans, pawn shops and other businesses profit off the poor. READ MORE»

Dating a White Person Can Be Hard: Why I Choose to Struggle Through It

By Thomas Lick, New America Media

White privilege and its impact on romantic relationships. READ MORE»

We Need More — and Better — Ways to Die in America

By Ann Neumann, Beacon Press

Because of the institutionalization of death, we don’t so much make end-of-life decisions as drift into passive indecision to authority. READ MORE»

Why That 'Safe' Plastic Alternative Might Not Be so Safe

By Wenhui Qiu, Ming Yang, Nancy Wayne, The Conversation

Check the label carefully. "Safe" doesn't necessarily mean anything when it comes to plastics. READ MORE»

Pack Your Bags — Scientists Have Successfully Grown Food Using the Kind of Soil Found on Mars

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Forget Matt Damon’s green-fingered feats in "The Martian" — a team of Dutch researchers is the real deal. READ MORE»

School May Expel Muslim Teens for Standing up to Bullies — After Ignoring Their Pleas for Years

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

A New York school punishes victims instead of their harassers. READ MORE»

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