TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 8, 2016

Decoding Hillary: The Truth Vs. What She Claims About Her Wall St. Record

Les Leopold, AlterNet

Even when she tries to act tough on banks, Clinton can't hide her Wall Street ties.  READ MORE»

WATCH: Samantha Bee Celebrates the Burial of the GOP

Kali Holloway, AlterNet

"Men are just too emotional to be president." READ MORE»

Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours

Adam Johnson, FAIR

The headlines are getting a little too close to the anti-Sanders editorial page.  READ MORE»

Israeli Minister Calls for Even More Refugee Detention Camps? 5 of the Most Dangerous Incitements to Come out of Israel This Week

By David Sheen, AlterNet

The status of Palestinians, Africans and other minority groups in Israel continues to deteriorate.  READ MORE»

Donald Trump Doesn't Understand Why Everyone Is So Upset About That Nazi-esque Salute

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The presidential contender thinks all the criticism is "ridiculous."  READ MORE»

Latinos Rush to Become Citizens in Time to Vote Against Donald Trump

By Laura Clawson, Daily Kos

Naturalization applications are up 11% and counting, even more than previous election years.  READ MORE»

Too Loony for Fox News: Fox Created the Fact-Free GOP, Then Trump Stole It Away

By Phil Torres , Salon

Gullible Fox viewers are the most misinformed. That made it easy for Donald Trump to fill vacuum of ignorance, fear. READ MORE»

Watch: Colbert Hits Donald Trump Below the Belt, So to Speak

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

"I can't believe these are legitimate jokes to be making in a presidential election!" READ MORE»

Caitlyn Jenner Stirs Controversy With Her Anti-Clinton, Pro-Cruz Stance (VIDEO)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

How deluded do you need to be to believe Ted Cruz cares about trans women? Or any women? READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Jen Sorensen on the Supreme Court's Texas Abortion Decision

By Jen Sorensen, AlterNet

Conservative justices think all those clinics' closures are probably just a coincidence. READ MORE»

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