Official EFT By Gary Craig

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Official EFT

Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
Tips, How-to's, New stuff, More

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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Quote, (2) True Cause = Negative Emotions, (3) Hip/Leg Pains Fade, (4) Articles/Videos To Review, (5) NEED MORE HELP?  


For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our Next Webinar, (2) TV Guidance Benefits, (3) Is The Unseen Therapist Too Simple?, (4) "Bumper Car" Thought, (5) OEFT Certification Testimonial, (6) Practice Group Reminder 


‍Today's Quote: "Teach only love, for that is what you are." A Course In Miracles

‍More Quotes From The Unseen Therapist E-Book


NewThink #2: True Cause = Negative Emotions


So what does cause our multitudes of diseases?

The mind, not the body: Our NewThink answer points to the mind, not the body. More specifically, it insists that diseases show up in the body as manifestations of the unresolved fear, anger, guilt and other negative emotions that we all collect over our lifetimes. Resolve your emotional issues, which this book will show you how to do, and you remove the major causes. Without the causes, your disease symptoms must dwindle. It’s a simple idea, but truth generally is.

Intuitively, we know this is true. We can often feel the heaviness of guilt, the apprehension of fear and the explosiveness of anger within our bodies. Doctors don’t have fear-o-meters, or the like, with which to measure the degree of damage involved, and neither do we. We can sense it internally, however, and thus know that these emotions – or bliss bandits – are robbing us of our health.

Medical researchers already know this: Interestingly, our medical researchers have already ventured through this door. They have conducted many studies that profoundly point to the fact that negative emotions are major contributors to our diseases. This, of course, confirms the thrust of this book. There is even an emerging field called psychoneuroimmunology that is centered around this discovery. It has produced many illuminating studies that point in this direction but, unfortunately, nothing much has been done to date with this kind of research.


These studies have confirmed that negative emotions result in a cascade of “negative chemistry” (my term) that floods your body and, when held in your body over long periods of time, can result in a long list of serious diseases.


Hip & Leg Pains Fade As A Result Of Emotional Work

"Now she just enjoys being out every day walking and cycling"

Gratitude to Carmen Grohs-Lugschitz for her solid work.

Note: Client's name withheld for privacy reasons.

Lady A sent me a message that she had pains in her left hip and going down over the knee to the foot. She lives about 500km from my place. We got in contact on the phone and worked with the Unseen Therapist. We started with just the symptoms so she could relax.

From the high level of 8, her hip and leg pains went down to a 5 and 4. This allowed her to get up again and walk much easier. It took us about 30 minutes to get this result.

On the next evening I called her to find out about her day's conditions. She was able to go for a walk and to do a bicycle ride -- some pains were still there. So that evening we worked on the "background emotions." Right from childhood her younger brother was very jealous of her and tried to be rude to her and her friends. This produced anger right to the very present. We worked on these subjects that were at level 6 and afterwards I asked her about the hip - leg pains - they had practically disappeared.

Now and then they come up again. She had an appointment to see about deeper joint problems through X-rays, but nothing negative came out. Now she just enjoys being out every day walking and cycling... The lady is about 75 years old. Note from GC: Recurrence is not unusual. Just gives us notice that there is more to do and allows us to be more thorough. Seasoned EFT'ers are quite aware of this.

Carmen Grohs-Lugschitz

Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review


1. From our Results collection: Catherine Tells Her Horrific Story To The Unseen Therapist

2. From our Stairway to Miracles collection: A Poetic Journey To Oneness

3. From our Spiritual Experiences collection: Lilli Bennett's Spiritual Experience




1. Read my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified, Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.


For the Optimal EFT Course Membership
(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students) 

Details and pricing for this Membership


Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, May 23, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.


This will be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or bring them up at the Webinar.

Our topics this time will include:


  • A visit with Brad & Pamela on BEING the Unseen Therapist.
  • A discussion with Alex, who is moving from skepticism to fascination with our process. Major family results are happening. 
  • Your questions and comments.


TV Guidance Channel Technique: Yet More Benefits

Note from Gary: Our TV Guidance Channel Technique allows us to ask The Unseen Therapist directly for pointers to the specific events (causes) underlying our issues. This can save enormous amounts of time in resolving our issues. It can be done solo (by ourselves) or, as Virginia (one of our Members) shows us below, in a group setting.

From Virginia: I'm very grateful for the support of our practise group to help me resolve one of my core issues using the TV Guidance Channel Technique.

After asking the Unseen Therapist “What´s behind....? ”, two of our members came up with “dog.” I dismissed it to begin with but, after reconsidering it, I realised there was an incident with a dog which I had never considered as a specific event.

At age 22, I went for a walk with a friend and this particular dog followed us. Before I realised, it was in a viscous fight with another dog whidh almost got killed. As a result, I realised there were some limiting beliefs I hadn't considered like: “I'm powerless” and “Others know best.” I spent the rest of the week working on these which allowed me to peel an extra layer of negative emotions and beliefs I was unaware of.

In the same practice group session, someone came up with “ballerina.” It immediately reminded me of a time when I was in a ballet class wearing the wrong outfit. I felt “I don't belong,” “I´m not good enough.” Again, I had never worked on this specific event as I had forgotten about it. With the help of the group, I managed to bring the emotional intensity down, contributing to resolving the core issue.

This experience has boosted my confidence using the TV Guidance Channel Technique and I will be making more and better use of it in the future!

Thanks, Virginia Castel-Srivastava​

Question & Answer

Is The Unseen Therapist too simple?


Question: I have noticed whilst practising on others that the simple process of working with Unseen Therapist, seems to be too easy to them, that they have doubts whether such a simple process could possibly take care of their usually long standing issues.

Answer: I don't really get this response from clients. That's probably because I spend time discussing their issues in detail before The Unseen Therapist actually works on them. As The Unseen Therapist's assistant, I tend to offer reframes about the specific events and have detailed discussions about those specific events so the client really understands their importance.


Then, during the Personal Peace Procedure, we use metaphors to give a framework for the client to conceptualize what's going on. This tends to remove the "too simple" reaction. You will see this in action as you immerse yourself into the recorded Self-Help Sessions.  


Unique Thought On Our "Bumper Car" Heavenly Habit
From Charles Smithdeal, MD




I really enjoyed reading your "bumper-car" analogy, and sharing the vision of watching such activity from across the bridge. As I imagined myself in a similar situation, I had the feeling that, similar to a child's toy steering wheel attached to the dashboard in its parents' vehicle, the steering wheel in my bumper car was not connected to the car's steering mechanism itself.  In turn, this reminded me of a story about a former President of The United States.


According to an insider's recollection, President Lyndon B Johnson repeatedly complained about the temperature on Air Force One - his section of the airplane always seemed to be either too hot or too cold for his comfort.


To solve the problem of President Johnson's constantly barking orders to the pilots or attendants to change the thermostat setting in his section of the plane, one savvy engineer had a custom thermostat installed beside the Presidential seat so that President Johnson could adjust the temperature settings exactly as he wished. Problem solved. Complaints ended.


Nobody ever told President Johnson that the thermostat had never been connected to any part of the heating/cooling system of the airplane. Changing the setting on the dial helped the President feel that he was in control, but in fact, had no effect whatsoever on the temperature inside the plane.


"Bumper-car drivers" may feel that they have control over their lives on earth. For many, however, their steering mechanisms remain disconnected and totally inoperative as they thrash about aimlessly through this life. Those who are blessed learn to trust, love, and join the One who is in complete control of all things.


Blessings and Peace, Charles Smithdeal, MD

A Testimonial For Our OEFT Certification

Preeti Roy applauds her superb trainer, Sheri Baker

"The OEFT sessions with Sheri were beyond belief miraculous."

Note from Gary: Last week we announced that Preeti Roy was our newest Certified OEFT Practitioner. This week Preeti discusses, in glowing terms, her experience with this advanced training. It is heartwarming, of course, and both Sheri and I are deeply appreciative of this shared love. 


Preeti's Testimonial:  Dear Gary, 

Hi!!! I am your newest certified student practitioner!!! :-) 

I'd like to thank you for all that you have done for me and the world with EFT sincerely from the depths of my heart. 

I have studied and practiced several energy healing modalities but none come close to the reliability and results that EFT, correctly practiced, enable. I feel so blessed to be practicing EFT representing YOU. 

It's an honour for me to be associated with you and with Official EFT, and I promise to do my utmost to represent you and Unseen Therapist, with full integrity.

I am attaching a testimonial here for Sheri for this one year certification that has been so transformative for me. It may help others to have a glimpse of how magnificent a gift this certification is, and studying with Sheri is, when they are ready. :-) 

Thank you, I love you, Preeti :-)

Sheri Baker: Complete EFT Certification Testimonial

Deepest Gratitude and appreciation for Sheri for the most transformative year of my life. She is the best, most beautiful person, teacher, mentor and guide.

I first approached Sheri in desperate need of help due to being in very dire circumstances in my own life. It is not easy for me to seek help and so this was truly coming from extreme despair.

I also knew after about 15 years of using EFT that the help I was going to seek would have to involve EFT.

And there I found Sheri through Gary's High-End practitioner list.

Sheri replied to my email so quickly that hope began to surge within my ego ridden pain state.

The OEFT sessions with Sheri were beyond belief miraculous. The very first one, I was at least 50 percent in less emotional pain and trauma. And then it got better and better.

I could not believe it. I was in stunned amazement!

I trust Gary and I know when he said that Optimal EFT is an advancement on EFT tapping; of course it had to be true.

But to this miracle shift level? I had no idea this was possible.

I was hooked! I applied to be accepted to study for Complete EFT Certification myself. The idea that I could train to practice EFT at such miracle shift levels of love and precision, with Unseen Therapist and help bring relief to others in pain and misery was exciting!

I was coming to the end of many things in my life. End of a very long term relationship and the approaching end of an equally long career in the aviation industry.

It was time to initiate a powerful new beginning.

I was accepted into the Complete Certification program and I had the honour and privilege of attending classes one on one, with the most divinely connected, powerful, beautiful lady who for me is no less than Unseen Therapist herself, in a human avatar. Sheri Baker.

Sheri's knowledge, wisdom, kindness, understanding, incredibly sharp intuition (she doesn't miss a thing, can't fool her even for a moment!) were always offered with so much love, compassion and gentleness. Her mastery of the teachings of ACIM were a boon for me, as I am a keen student of The Course as well.

While ensuring and upholding all of the structure, standards and detail of Gary's EFT material; Sheri made it come to life, with stories from her own experiences, as demonstrations, metaphors and reframes.

Sheri's stories are often out of this world intriguing, highly entertaining and at the same time brilliant teaching tools. She also has a delightful sense of humor that lightens and brightens the darkest topics.

I hear Sheri's voice with those teachings in so many moments, as blending with Unseen Therapist's, in my own sessions with self and others.

Her guidance has been beyond par. She is very thorough and I'm so glad for that, because now that I'm ready to be 'certified' I know that with Sheri's and Gary's high standards and quality control, I truly am armed and ready with the highest standards of practice of EFT tapping and OEFT, with the ability to facilitate the best healing, for each soul that is ready.

With EFT tapping using the intricate methodology of the Gold Standard EFT protocols and with OEFT being the most surrendered assistant to Unseen Therapist in each session.

I have undertaken many different courses and studied many modalities of a spiritually healing nature, and while they all had great things to offer, Gary's brilliant idea to have this one year training be completely tailor made, to the student; takes it to a level that I've never before experienced.

I would now actually say that the price for this one year training is very modest. It's value is far and away more than the monetary fee.

And even at the end, doing my written exam, I was laughing and guffawing because the exam questions were so funny! Sheri has a wonderful sense of humor and it's always at play.

If there is one drawback for me, it's that this one year eventually did come to an end! I miss Sheri already.

I cannot recommend this one year Complete EFT Certification highly enough. It's truly life changing in ways that one can't imagine, and the changes are in the direction of light, freedom, love, oneness. Sheri said that this one year would be a year of transformation for me and thus others…. and so it is. I feel like I’ve been guided into shedding lifetimes of programs and limitations in this one year.

EFT deserves to be practiced as intended and help contribute in bringing about the unity of this fragmented world, by healing our fragmented minds.

With the deepest gratitude to Sheri for being so patient with me for the whole year. For all you did which went above and beyond. I am blessed. Thank you, I love you. :-)

With eternal gratitude to Gary for being who you are, for entrusting my training to Sheri's and Unseen Therapist' guidance, and for creating this Certification course for the ones who are ready. Thank you, I love you :-)

Preeti Roy

P‍ractice Group Reminder:  Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary


Provide Feedback, Questions. Optimal EFT Results, etc.

© Gary Craig 

All Rights Reserved

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States

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