Keeping you updated with news about HMCTS
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Keeping you updated with news about the reform programme

Issue 55 | 6 February 2023

Laptop and paper legal documents

Improvements to Common Platform for defence professionals

Were adding features to Common Platform and making improvements to the way legal professionals search for case details, check in for hearings and access essential forms.

News Headlines

Financial remedy applications are now fully online

Legal professionals must submit and complete all applications for financial remedy online using MyHMCTS.

New governance panel formed to improve use of data

The panel will provide independent expert advice on the use of justice data across courts and tribunals in England and Wales.

Sign up to our webinar for defence professionals

Join us on 22 February at 1pm to find out about changes and improvements weve made to Common Platform for defence professionals.

Other News

Watch the video of our final drop in session for legal professionals and read our guidance on submitting applications for contested financial remedy using MyHMCTS.

We've published management information for November 2021 to November 2022. We use this information to understand workload volumes and timeliness nationally.

Defence solicitors and barristers can join any of our Common Platform drop-in support sessions held on Tuesdays at 4:30pm and Thursdays at 9am.

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