Mark, oh Mark, you keep Zucking up.
Double Your Impact

Dear Friend — This year Free Press ramped up our fight against online hate — renewing our calls for change as George Floyd’s murder brought renewed attention to the need for racial justice. And one platform has stood out for its failure to rise to this moment: Facebook.

Facebook failed us yet again in the lead-up to Election Day, and with your support we are forcing it to pay the price in public opinion. We can’t let Zuckerberg off the hook for a single second — please donate now while all gifts up to $50k are being DOUBLED through Dec. 31 to support our fight against Facebook’s dangerous practices.

Double Your Impact

Despite 2020’s unprecedented challenges — and Facebook’s refusal to step up in this crucial moment — you have helped us drive significant progress in the fight against online hate.

Reddit adopted anti-hate policies based closely on recommendations from Free Press and our Change the Terms partners. After our years-long pressure campaigns, Twitter took steps toward addressing disinformation and hate. YouTube and Twitter banned white supremacists like David Duke. And 1,000+ companies, from Coca-Cola to Ford to Target, joined our Facebook ad boycott.

Friend, this is just some of what we’ve accomplished together in 2020. We are determined to reach our $50k goal by Dec. 31 to make sure we have the resources to push for real change at Facebook in 2021. Please donate now to DOUBLE your impact in the fight against disinformation and hate.

Double Your Impact

We need your support to continue doing everything we can to shame Facebook and impact its bottom line for as long as it takes. Make your tax-deductible year-end contribution to our movement today and your gift will go TWICE as far.

In solidarity,

Jessica J. González
Free Press

P.S. In the face of unprecedented challenges, Free Press is determined to reach our $50k matching-gift goal by Dec. 31. When you donate today, every $1 you give becomes $2 — making literally twice the impact in our fight for access to truthful, lifesaving information for all.

Double Your Impact

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