When family time is all the time, what does it look like to be both a sane and intentional parent? Many caregivers found themselves asking questions like this during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. As work, childcare, school, and socializing squeezed together under one roof, families experienced increasing struggles and frustrations amidst already hectic lives. But, for some parents, positive new habits began to form as well.
Kara Bettis, CT Features Editor, shares the words of such mothers in her recent article, “These Moms Won’t Miss the Pandemic. But Their Quarantine Habits Are Keepers.” Some families found themselves clinging to daily practices: reading the Bible out loud, memorizing Scripture together, or developing family prayer rhythms. Others drew comfort as they watched their families grow in apologizing to one another, or in seeing time as something especially precious and worth stewarding.
Whatever your habits—or lack thereof—during times of lockdown, each of these moms has a message for you: in all seasons, grace abounds.