'3by30' housing goal: Making progress but still more work to do | What provisions must be included in written buyer agreements? | Listen: How to climb the sales leadership ladder
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June 20, 2024
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The housing initiative celebrates its third anniversary and recommits to raising Black homeownership levels to rates never seen before—all by 2030.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (6/20) 
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Open House Strategies to WOW Buyers and Sellers
Turn every Open House into a lead generation powerhouse and reputation builder. Wow buyers, impress sellers, and maximize the potential of your next Open House with this free guide!
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Settlement Answers
What provisions must be included in written buyer agreements?
The written agreement must include:
  1. A specific and conspicuous disclosure of the amount or rate of compensation the participant will receive, or how this amount will be determined, to the extent that the participant will receive compensation from any source.
  2. The amount of compensation in a manner that is objectively ascertainable and not open-ended.
  3. A term that prohibits the participant from receiving compensation for brokerage services from any source that exceeds the amount or rate agreed to in the agreement with the buyer.
  4. A conspicuous statement that broker fees and commissions are not set by law and are fully negotiable.
Get more facts about NAR's proposed settlement agreement at facts.realtor.
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Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
Desiree Huff, a regional sales manager for Tremco, started off as an administrative assistant working with different sales representatives, which gave her insight into how to conduct sales calls and run customer meetings. In this episode of the Roofing Road Trips podcast, Huff speaks on her continued education journey and what it is like to be one of the few women to hold a regional sales manager position at the company.
Full Story: RoofersCoffeeShop (6/17) 
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Mapping software allows users to visualize market trends, understand customer demographics and optimize coverage areas, making it a crucial tool for strategic sales planning and collaboration. It can also be used for competitor analysis, allowing sales managers to see market gaps left by competitors and adapt strategies to cover those areas.
Full Story: WebProNews (Lexington, Ky.) (6/17) 
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Real Estate Trends
Oakley founder James Jannard has sold his Malibu mansion for $210 million, setting a new record for the highest home sale in California and surpassing Jay-Z and Beyonce's $200 million purchase last year. The 9.5-acre estate, featuring 300 feet of ocean frontage and a 15,000-square-foot Palladio-style main house, was sold quietly to a Delaware-based limited liability company, making Jannard a substantial profit from his 2012 purchase of $75 million.
Full Story: Los Angeles Times (tiered subscription model) (6/18) 
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The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo index of housing market conditions declined to a reading of 43 this month, falling 2 points to hit the lowest point in 2024. In addition to elevated mortgage rates that are affecting demand, builders "are also dealing with higher rates for construction and development loans, chronic labor shortages and a dearth of buildable lots," said Carl Harris, NAHB chairman.
Full Story: Bloomberg (6/19) 
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Technology & Innovations
SwitchBot, known for smart home retrofitting products, has launched the SwitchBot Water Leak Detector for remote water leak monitoring. This device sends real-time notifications via smarthome systems, including Alexa and Google Assistant.
Full Story: IoT Evolution World (6/17) 
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News from NAR
The event will feature a robust lineup of industry speakers, thought leaders and networking and education opportunities for commercial practitioners. Pro football Hall of Famer Dan Marino will deliver the closing keynote address.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (6/20) 
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Fair & Equitable Housing
Lawmakers in Pennsylvania are considering the Homeless Assistance Program, which may receive a $10 million increase in the state's proposed budget, as part of broader efforts to secure more housing funds. Proposed measures include a $50 million increase for Whole Home Repairs for low-income homeowners and funding to pay for a right to counsel for renters.
Full Story: WESA-FM (Pittsburgh) (6/18) 
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Legislation & Regulation
Retail sales exhibited weaker-than expected growth this week, rising just 0.1% in May from the prior month—suggesting that consumer spending is starting to cool and even shoppers who are more well-off are feeling strained by elevated inflation. Meanwhile, 46% of Americans surveyed said they are struggling to maintain their financial status quo, according to a poll by Monmouth University's Polling Institute.
Full Story: The Hill (6/19),  CNN (6/18) 
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The National Association of REALTORS® is America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. REALTOR® Magazine is the official magazine of NAR, bringing expert insight to real estate trends, tools, and business strategies.
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