Tu Salud News Update
Homebound Seniors Living Alone Often Slip Through Health System’s Cracks
Among homebound seniors, nearly 40% have five or more chronic medical conditions and the same proportion live by themselves.
Almost One Third of U.S. Pharmacies Have Closed Since 2010
Predominantly Latino and Black neighborhoods experienced the highest rate of pharmacy closures between 2010 and 2021.
News to Use: What to Know About Breast Cancer
Despite advances, breast cancer remains the number 1 cancer among women. These six tips will help lower the risk.
Disease-Modifying Therapies Remain Underused in Sickle Cell Disease Despite Safety and Efficacy
Only one quarter of patients living with sickle cell disease are prescribed disease modifying therapies, particularly newer ones.
Healthy Recipe: Sweet Potato Muffins
If you can’t eat all of these muffins at once, freeze them as soon as they cool, and you’ll have a sweet breakfast treat at the ready.
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