September 12, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the week that was?  Let me catch you up...
The most requested story was my piece de-teasing Steve Sjuggerud's new True Wealth Real Estate teaser pitch -- so that's a good place to start, with a bunch of investments discussed, just click below to...

This One's From Me!

I noticed that you're not currently a member of my favorite group of people, the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars -- and I hope you'll consider signing up.

I'll be raising the prices later this year, but they'll still be reasonable (right now it's $59/yr or $7/month to join).  If you sign up now you'll get the Quick Take on my articles (answers to the tease in 30 seconds, without reading the whole article), my Friday File columns each week, access to my Real Money Portfolio and $100K Lock Box Portfolio and updates when I buy or sell shares... and you'll be helping Stock Gumshoe keep the lights on.  I've bought half a dozen new positions in just the last month, so these are interesting times... Thanks for considering!

Travis Johnson
Founder and President
Stock Gumshoe

Please join us today!!


We started the week with a look at Shah Gilani's "Hyperdrive" stocks, all about re-pitchign some of his favorite W.F.H. stocks... what are they?  Just click here for the story.

And I also dug back into another older story that's been resurfaced -- Luke Lango is pitching his #1 EV stock of the decade, and it's the same one Matt McCall pitched before him, but the story has changed a bit... my take is here.

As usual, we closed it out with the Friday File for the Irregulars -- I added another fairly recent IPO to the Lock Box portfolio today, did a little buying in the carbon emissions world, and have a few other updates from some of my larger holdings... just click below for the full details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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