Effective managers are focused on helping others grow and are open to feedback for making personal improvements, write leadership development consultants Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman. Good leaders embrace creativity and innovation, and possess a high level of interpersonal communication skills.
Check your email a maximum of three scheduled times per day, Hayden Field writes. Use filters to categorize your emails, switch off alerts and try to avoid "back-and-forth" conversations.
Be honest if you are uncomfortable taking on your co-workers' advice, writes Alyse Kalish. Remind your colleagues that you're busy if they are taking up your time without contributing anything helpful.
A bill that would let Affordable Care Act customers and employers buy Medicare coverage was unveiled Wednesday by Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn. The legislation, which is co-sponsored by 10 Senate Democrats, would also permit the government to negotiate Medicare drug prices and extend eligibility for ACA subsidies to 600% of federal poverty level.
Put some thought into what you'll wear on the first day, and be punctual, says CEO Liz Wessel. Let your new colleagues know you're the new guy or gal, and try to meet as many people as you can, says management professor Keith Rollag.
Before quitting your job, ask yourself if it's possible to change the things you don't like about your job, or if there may be opportunities outside the office, writes career coach Caroline Ceniza-Levine. "Your day-to-day work isn't the only way to find challenge and growth," she writes.
A California tortoise that fell off a wall and cracked its shell has received $4,000 in repairs to fix the injury. The 90-pound African spurred tortoise sustained the injury while running away from a dog.