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Honeybee Swarms

I love honeybees. This will be my seventh year as an amateur beekeeper, and aside from family or data, there are few other topics that I could easily spend an afternoon talking to you about. They’re amazing creatures.

This past winter I had to move my beehives temporarily to the apiary of a friend. With the warmer winter, all four hives came through winter and are stronger than ever. (for reference, in recent years it’s typical to lose 50% of your hives over the winter.) But here’s the thing with strong healthy hives. They swarm! The queen bee decides that the hive has too many bees and prepares to leave, taking approximately half of the hive with her. She leaves behind a handful of unhatched queens, one of which will take over the hive in a few days.

As a beekeeper this is a good thing, if you can catch the swarm (or five, as the case may have been for me the past 10 days). It means that you (or a friend if you can’t keep it) get an extra hive for free. On the other hand, when the swarm totally absconds, it feels like a loss of free bees… and extra honey later in the season.

Regardless, every time a hive swarms I’m reminded that a healthy hive is doing exactly what it’s supposed to. Each hive has one queen bee, and the entire hive is there to serve and protect her, because she’s the one that lays the eggs to grow the hive. She exists for one purpose, to produce more bees, to form more hives, to keep forming more bees. The pollination and honey are a wonderful (and necessary) byproduct of that main purpose. After all, bees pollinate 80% of all flowering plants, so we need more of them.

How can you tell when things around you are healthy and “firing on all cylinders?” What’s one thing that is working just right, doing exactly what it was intended to do?

As you look around this summer (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) and see bees coming and going, I hope it reminds you about healthy hives and fulfilled purpose. Not just for the bees, but for you, too.

Ryan Booz

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The Weekly News
All the headlines and interesting SQL Server information that we've collected over the past week, and sometimes even a few repeats if we think they fit.
.NET Related Articles

Working with IAsyncEnumerable in C#

IAsyncEnumerable is a powerful interface introduced in C# 8.0 that allows you to work with sequences of data asynchronously. It is a great fit for building ETLs that asynchronously stream data to get it ready for transfer. You can think of IAsyncEnumerable as the asynchronous counterpart of IEnumerable because both interfaces allow you to easily iterate through elements in a collection. Since the early days of .NET, the IEnumerable interface has been fundamental for many programs. The IEnumerable interface provided a way to retrieve elements from a collection one at a time, and the IEnumerable interface extended this functionality to generic types. However, the IEnumerable interface is synchronous, which means that it is not suitable for working with asynchronous data sources.

AI/Machine Learning/Cognitive Services

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Administration of SQL Server

User Experience Under Different Isolation Levels In SQL Server

From Erik Darling Data

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Friday Basics: RPO and RTO

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Revisiting Object Dependencies

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Last week we looked at identifying object depende...

Azure SQL

Indexing for Read-Scale Databases

From Curated SQL

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz shares a customer case: Today, I worked on a service request that our customer has a Business Critical database with 4…

Conferences, Classes, Events, and Webinars

Redgate Summit Comes to the Windy City

From SQLServerCentral Blogs

I love Chicago. I went to visit three times in 202...

Monitoring PostgreSQL with Redgate Monitor

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How To Configure PowerShell to Process Data in Batches (Demo Script)

From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Batch processing in PowerShell is an effective technique for handling large datasets. Discover how batch processing works and how to incorporate it into your scripts.

Data Visualisation

(Livestream Replay) Why High Density Dashboards Require Consistent Report Notation - with Jürgen Faisst

From Havens Consulting

DESCRIPTION Understanding business reality, identifying risks, and assessing future trends requires a comprehensive view including comparisons and context. We rarely find the level of information density needed for such...

Database Design, Theory and Development

Non-Functional Requirements

From SQLServerCentral Blogs

I have found that non-functional requirements (NFR...

Database Subsetting and Data Extraction

When dealing with the development, testing and releasing of new versions of an existing production database, developers like to use their existing production data. In doing so, the development team will be hit with the difficulties of managing and accommodating the large amount of storage used by a typical production database. It’s not a new problem because the practical storage capacity has grown over the years in line with our ingenuity in finding ways of using it. To deal with using production data for testing, we generally want to reduce its size by extracting a subset of the entities from a ‘production’ database, anonymized and with referential integrity intact. We then deliver this subset to the various development environments.


Best practices for using KEEPFILTERS in DAX

From Sqlbi

Best practices for deciding when to use (and when ...

Oracle/PostgreSQL/MySQL/other RDBMS

Keith Fiske: Time Partitioning and Custom Time Intervals in Postgres with pg_partman

From Planet Postgres

Whether you are managing a large table or setting ...

Listen and Notify in Postgres

From Curated SQL

Brandur Leach shows how to use PostgreSQL’s listen/notify capabilities: Listen/notify in Postgres is an incredible feature that makes itself useful in all kinds of situations. I’ve…

PG Down Under show 2 with guest John Miner is now published!

From The Bit Bucket

Welcome to show 2 for PG Down Under! I really enjo...

Radim Marek: How not to change PostgreSQL column type

From Planet Postgres

One of the surprises that comes with developing ap...

Recursive CTEs: Transforming and Analyzing Data in PostgreSQL, Part 3

The first two articles in this series demonstrated how PostgreSQL is a capable tool for ELT – taking raw input and transforming it into usable data for querying and analyzing. We used sample data from the Advent of Code 2023 to demonstrate some of the ELT techniques in PostgreSQL. In the first article, we discussed functions and features of SQL in PostgreSQL that can be used together to transform and analyze data. In the second article, we introduced Common Table Expressions (CTE) as a method to build a transformation query one step at a time to improve readability and debugging. In this final article, I’ll tackle one last feature of SQL that allows us to process data in a loop, referencing previous iterations to perform complex calculations: Recursive CTE’s.


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Security News and Issues

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From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

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Software Development

Reassessing Agile Software Development: Is It Dead or Can It Be Revived?

From IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Developers are falling out of love with agile soft...

T-SQL and Query Languages

Dynamically Unpivot columns in SQL

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From Curated SQL

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What is the OPTION (FAST N) Query Hint?

From Callihan Data

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That’s Just NOT Right

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Virtualization and Containers/Kubernetes

A Quick Guide on How to Containerize Your Application Using Docker

From Simple Talk

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Flyway's Baseline Command Explained Simply

The Baseline command is intended to make it easy to turn any preexisting production database into a Flyway database so that, subsequently, versioned migrations can then be applied to it, bringing greater stability and predictability to database deployments. Unlike most databases in development, a ‘Flyway database’ will be at a known version, with a record of the migration files used to get to that version. However, what if you want to adopt Flyway versioning with an existing database that is already in use?

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