February 16, 2025
"Hopeless" Alzheimer's patients helped back to life starting in 90 minutes
This may be the biggest medical discovery on record.

Studies show a single, natural compound can re-fuel brain cells and help bring hopeless Alzheimer's patients back to life starting in as little as 90 minutes.

But one of the lead researchers flat out admitted the end goal is to wait until a pharmaceutical option exists even though this natural compound could help tens of thousands right now! You'll find the quote at the 9:37 mark of this video expose.

Please, if you or a loved one is concerned about Alzheimer's watch this video now, while you still can.
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The BEST Time to Drink Coffee for Your Heart [STUDY]
Scott Olson Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

That first cup of coffee in the morning isn't just about waking up anymore...

New research suggests that the TIMING of your daily brew could also make a big difference in protecting your heart health.

And if you're sipping coffee throughout the day, you might want to rethink that habit.

Here’s why…

(Article continues below)
Could this be the End of Chemo?
Natural Tumor Destroyer Could Make Chemo Extinct

In the first 15 seconds of THIS video there’s a shocking quote from a former NIH cancer researcher.

It’s about a natural cancer treatment that worked for 75% of patients in one small study.

Click here to watch the video now while you can.

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A groundbreaking study published in the European Heart Journal revealed that early-morning coffee drinkers enjoy significant health benefits compared to those who consume coffee throughout the day.

The numbers are eye-opening. Morning coffee drinkers had a…
  • 31 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease
  • 16 percent lower risk of dying from any cause
This is the first study to specifically look at when we drink coffee, not just how much we drink. And the timing, it turns out, really matters.


It all comes down to your body's natural rhythm. Drinking coffee later in the day can disrupt your circadian rhythm—your body's internal clock.

This disruption can lead to sleep problems, especially for those who drink coffee throughout the day.

The good news is that coffee itself isn't the villain here. In fact, research continues to show that drinking coffee protects against:
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Other chronic conditions
The key is to pay attention to WHEN you drink it.

To maximize benefits and minimize risks, try:
  • Enjoying your coffee early in the day
  • Setting a cutoff time for caffeine
  • Being consistent with your coffee routine
  • Paying attention to how late-day coffee affects your sleep
I’ve made this change recently. I used to drink coffee all day, and now I just drink it in the morning, and it’s made a real difference to my sleep habits.

Remember, it's not about giving up your beloved coffee—it's about timing it right to get the most benefits for your heart.

Health and Happiness,

Scott Olson
Dr. Scott Olson, ND

P.S. Unexpected perks of your coffee habit revealed!

Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: feedback@livingwelldaily.com - and click here to like us on Facebook or click here to follow us on Twitter.

Wang, X., Ma, H., Sun, Q., Li, J., Heianza, Y., Van Dam, R. M., Hu, F. B., Rimm, E., Manson, J. E., & Qi, L. Coffee drinking timing and mortality in US adults. European Heart Journal.
Arthritis Pain GONE in as Little as Two Minutes?

If you have arthritis or chronic pain of any kind you need to stop what you're doing and watch this video NOW.

It reveals a simple and natural treatment that patients say helps relieve their pain in as little as TWO MINUTES.

But that's not the most amazing part...

It doesn't stop with simply eliminating pain fast... it goes light-years further by helping relieve and repair damaged cartilage, ligaments, and joints with healthy tissue.

Actual patients who've used it have said things like...

"I'm back to walking 3 to 5 miles every day...
I'm virtually pain free."

You can witness the stories of patients who were on the verge of surgery...who thought they'd never walk again without severe pain...and who were considered "lost causes" by mainstream medicine by clicking here now.

No matter how much pain you're in or how many failed treatments you've tried, your path to a life without pain could be just a few minutes away. Click here now to find out how!

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