1,836 people have taken this course

Are you tired of the dating scene and going out on dates that are 'so-so' or 'not good enough'? Have you ever looked around at your married friends and wondered 'Why them and why not me? What am I doing wrong?' Do you secretly fear that you'll end up alone and you'll never find a good man/woman who truly loves and adores the real you? If so, you are definitely not alone!

90% of my clients have shared that what they want more than anything is a healthy and happy relationship with a partner who simply sees them and accepts them for who they are. And here's what is really crazy - on average it takes my clients only about four weeks to attract their perfect match! It can be tricky and scary to open yourself up to love even when you want it more than anything in the world.

That's why I created this amazing course to help men and women around the world manifest their love, to attract in their partner, to find true love regardless of the pain and disappointment they've experienced in the past. I've condensed a lifetime of research and teachings into the 21 most important steps you must take in order to attract a great love to you!

For the person who has 'tried everything' in regards to love and is stuck dateless and alone, but who still believes in True Love, this is the course for you!

Attract the Partner of Your Dreams

Over the course of 21 days, you'll be guided through a very powerful process that will allow you to remove your negative belief systems around love (that are getting the way of you manifesting your soulmate), instill positive power mantras (thereby attracting high-quality individuals to you that are in alignment with your hopes and dreams), and magically help you attract to you the partner of your dreams!

  • Discover the simple 5 step process used to magically attract great love to you
  • Learn and apply the secret formula no one knows.... that all happy couples have unconsciously done to find their partner
  • Find out the most important step in the manifestation process that almost everyone forgets to do when looking for love
  • Uncover the real reason why you're single and what the magic ingredient is to make sure you manifest your love (I guarantee you haven't heard it in this way before)
  • Learn the magic # of days that you have to do the love work to experience a real shift (it's not as long as you might think)
  • Feel so confident in yourself that zero doubt remains in your mind that your soulmate is on his/her way
  • Let go of the anxiety that comes along with going on date after date hoping that one of the dates will maybe be good enough for a lifetime of happiness
  • Stop standing in your own way of true love and finally value yourself as the prize
  • Attract in a high-quality partner who treats you like royalty
In this course, you'll receive a practical series of proven steps and real-world techniques to help you successfully navigate the tricky world of feelings, emotions, desires, and ultimately - manifesting the love of your life! The clock is ticking. The time is now for love.

Course Participants Share Their Experience

"About only 4 weeks in I met someone! He was 100% of what I had written down on the manifestation worksheets that Emyrald had provided. It's the first time I've ever had an emotionally available and heart-felt relationship with somebody with no expectations of the future! It's so powerful when we put our focus on the attention of our desires. I allowed myself to believe in the magic of my abilities to manifest what I want out of a guy and out of a relationship." - Zoe

"Is there such a thing as MAN-ifesting too much!? I am currently dating four amazing men and can't decide which one I like more because they are all great!" - Sara

"I manifested a guy who covered 90% of my list of requirements! I can manifest anything I want. It's amazing how Emy helped me have the confidence that I can finally get what I deserve in 5 simple steps." - Xavi

"About the middle of Aug out of nowhere I met a beautiful man. He is from England and recently moved to this area. We have been inseparable ever since. He's my person! We are headed to Mexico for vacation in a few weeks and I am so excited for what's next. THANK YOU, there are no accidents and I know that you and your coaching came in to my life when it was needed most AND your methodology works! I know just by just tuning into new ideas about love and attraction and getting super clear on what I want, I manifested my dreamy man! Thank you!" - Natalie

"I've got a new man! He meets almost all of my HUGE list of non-negotiables. He just keeps blowing my mind the more I get to know him. It's just amazing how fast manifesting has worked for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" - Angie

About Emyrald Sinclaire

After conducting over a decade of research into spirituality, relationships, consciousness and manifestation, Emyrald Sinclaire has created a well-rounded program that is unlike anything on the market today!

A woman on the quest for truth, she has read over 1,000 books in the last decade and studied with well known gurus such as David Deida, Byron Katie, Dr. Pat Allen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer & Louise Hay.

Emyrald frequently appears in the media, including TV interviews and newspaper articles on her speed dating and "Attract the One" events, in addition to online Podcasts and international telesummits attended by thousands. She has one of the most passionate followings in the industry!

She is currently writing her first book on Love and the Law of Attraction.

Emyrald's mission is to help 500,000 women to manifest the love of their lives using the tools that she outlines in her books, her online programs, her 1:1 private coaching, and keynote presentations.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 3 weeks (total of 21 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 21 lessons