Cucumber deleafing robot fitted with a decontamination unit ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Friday, February 5, 2021
Any News?

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Arlette Sijmonsma

Annet Breure

Elita Vellekoop

 Job Offers
Greenhouse Crop Specialist - Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Greenhouse Product Development Specialist - Leamington (Ontario) Canada
Sales Assistant - Europe Division
Back-office assistant - Barendrecht, The Netherlands
Supply Chain Assistant  – Netherlands
Plant Science R&D Technician - Brooklyn (New York) USA
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Account Manager
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Quality Assurance System Manager


Cucumber deleafing robot fitted with a decontamination unit

Some more validation tests will need to be carried out this year, but if the results are good, a cucumber deleafing robot will be introduced this year. Harrie Schonewille of…


Edesio Caamaño, manager of Sanjorge Suministros Agricolas:

"In 5 to 8 years, the Huelva strawberry sector will be converted to hydroponics"

The lack of labor in the Spanish region Huelva, which has only grown due to the coronavirus outbreak, is driving agricultural innovations, including those…

Pirita Luolamaa-Vollebregt, Novarbo Oy on Mosswool:

“Sustainable alternative to stonewool and peat gaining traction in the market”

Last year, Finnish Novarbo Oy (part of Biolan Group) put its first commercial slabs of mosswool on the market. This new substrate, which is a combination of sphagnum and peat,…

New paint makes drivers prettier and safer

Starting from the 1st of February, the painting process of the drivers of De Gier Systems has been adjusted. Ever since, motor gearboxes out of the GW range will be…

"Scout remotely, gain better insight and save time with scout app"

"Having the Natutec Scout app means that we spend less time on plant protection. More importantly, we have better insight into the level of infestation and can see at a glance…

GreenTech Americas rescheduled to August 2021

Because of the still unsafe health situation in Mexico, GreenTech Americas, the first spin-off of GreenTech, is rescheduled from 16 - 18 March to 15 - 17 August 2021. RAI…

Stephen McCormack - McCormack Family Farms

Successful first basil crop and lessons learned in 2020

In July 2020 Irish grower McCormack Family Farms had their first commercial crop of basil, the season went better than expected with a good supply right through until almost…

Twenty years of lettuce breeding

2021 will mark the 20th anniversary of Nunhems’ Multileaf lettuce breeding program.  Over the course of 2021, BASF will celebrate 20 years of Multileaf by sharing success stories…

"More light with a smaller fixture"

The development of LED lighting for greenhouse horticulture is constantly developing. The Dutch Powerhouse Monarch from Oreon was introduced exactly one year ago at Fruit…

Danish hydrogen peroxide solution receives efficiency award

HPNow’s patented HPGen solution for the on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide, has received the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label, rewarding…

Video Want to bathe in fresh vegetables?

Would you take a bath in a giant hotpot with real vegetables in it? A Chinese hotpot spa will let you bath in fresh vegetables. Spicy peppers, dates, radish could be all…

Specialists from all over the world in virtual exchange

More innovations, less peat and always renewable raw materials. The Klasmann-Deilmann Group's Innovation Summit advanced those issues that are at the top of…

Special Climate

Tip: Melt the snow immediately

Dutch, German and Belgian greenhouse growers preparing for snowfall

This weekend, snowfall is expected in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. This, in combination with permafrost temperatures, could easily result in massive snow pressure…

"Dutch experience helps China's future agriculture"

Kaishen Hofeng – Shandong Qingdao Laixi, covering 14 hectares, mainly grows six types of tomatoes, more than 180,000 plants in total. The growth of these plants are precisely…

Hydroponic grower readies greens for March release

Leafy greens are officially growing at a new hydroponic farm in the Midwest. Pure Green Farms is now growing its four lettuce varieties for its inaugural SKUs…

"Personal approach combined with AI helps us change eating behavior"

The national Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) has opened a new lab focused on health and nutrition. Wageningen University & Research is one of the partners…

"Monitoring is essential to stay ahead of pepper pests"

From the start of a pepper crop it is best to give pests as little opportunity as possible to develop – according to Biobest advisor, John van Eijk - from the Netherlands. He…

HK entomologist lauds hydroponic gardening

An entomologist wants the local community to look into the potential of growing vegetables organically. Dr. Chao Hon Chiu worked for the Northern Marianas College Agricultural…

Tomato growers explore new sensor tech to boost yield

Tomato growers across the UK are collaborating with researchers to explore new sensor technology which could significantly boost yields. The research aims to…

Pakistan growers receive technical greenhouse training

The Food and Agriculture Organization has introduced high tunnel-farming with drip-irrigation systems in newly merged tribal districts to promote off-season crop production…

"Our goal was to pick the most efficient equipment and deliver a process that took the fruit from the orchard to a finished product"

Montague moving closer to fully opening its new production facility near Melbourne

Major Australian fruit producers Montague has opened its some of its new production facilities and new retail space, which includes state-of-the-art equipment from its…

Today on social media



Birgit Kiesewetter, Kiesewetter LLC:

"The fear of infection in the supermarket has probably diminished somewhat"

The second lockdown in Germany is still eating away at the gastronomy industry and the fruit and vegetable trading companies that supply them. Business ideas to save turnover…

"The solution lies not in less but in better packaging"

"The packaging industry is under pressure to change the negative image of plastics and packaging into a positive one. After all, packaging was created to get food to the…

New line of sustainable packaging for Fair Trade organic grower

Wholesum, Fair Trade certified growers and shippers of organic produce, launched a new sustainable packaging line of vegetables that will hit retail shelves this month. The…

Secretary Vilsack receives unanimous support of the Senate Agriculture Committee

A confirmation hearing for Former Secretary Tom Vilsack to be Secretary of USDA in President Biden's cabinet has provided Vilsack with unanimous support.…

Robert Guenther, Senior Vice President of Public Policy

United Fresh’s priorities for the new presidential administration

Working closely with the government to ensure that the concerns and challenges faced by the produce industry are taken into account in legislative decisions is one of the key…

In support of the nation's growers

France: Burger King is giving away bags of potatoes at drive-thru

Burger King in France is giving away bags of potatoes with every visit to a drive-thru. Its aim is to support French potato farmers who can no longer sell their produce due to…

Covid-19 accelerated commercial farming dreams for Namibian entrepreneur

Many Namibians regularly supplement their monthly income with some kind of part-time agricultural activity. However, financial planner Aubrey Hardine has had a…

Blueberry exports to China could be ‘game changer’

According to University of Georgia Agribusiness Extension economist Greg Fonsah, there is a real opportunity for the region's blueberry growers to capitalize…

Mushroom Council

Just add mushrooms: Making meals more nutritious

Researchers have identified another good reason to eat more mushrooms. New research , published in Food Science & Nutrition (January 2021) found that adding a…

Poland: agricultural news week 4

'In Poland, we like carrots'

Carrots are one of the most important vegetables grown in Poland. The popularity is due to versatile use, taste, and health benefits. In Poland, carrots are used by the processing…

Paul Heemels, Heemels Agro, the Netherlands

“Cooking shows are making celeriac more popular”

These days, celeriac is sold year-round. You can begin harvesting these in the summer, but this root vegetable sells especially well in the winter. “The colder the weather,…

American Farm Bureau Federation:

'Farm labor must be exempt from South Africa travel ban'

The American Farm Bureau Federation is asking the Biden administration to exempt farm labor from its recent proclamation suspending travel from several…

Tomato market: January 2021 'on balance average', plentiful southern supply at the moment

Across the board, the 2021 tomato year in the European Union has started just below average. This is mainly due to lower prices in Italy in January. The…




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