"You can't grow on water without lights" ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Friday, November 25, 2022
Any News?

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Arlette Sijmonsma

Jenneken Schouten

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 Job Offers
Production Manager
Assistant Professor - Controlled Environments Entomologist
Technical Development Specialist | Horticulture | France
Director of Business Development | Middle East | Agtech
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Belgian lettuce growers ready for the future after a series of investments:

"You can't grow on water without lights"

Peter and Christel Verschaeren of Hydroponic recently installed a new CHP system. That means these Belgian growers are all set to grow a crop under lights this winter, having…


Less concerns about the ToBRFV virus this year in Sicily

"After a summer with a significant shortage of product, this fall, and winter, the Sicilian tomato sector is once again bringing to market an excellent crop, both in terms of…


The increased cost of energy, which has hit many greenhouse growers hard, is also felt in the tomato market. In European countries like the Netherlands, these increased…

Growers can use a test kit to detect ToBRFV before plants even shows signs

Knowing, for sure, that your crop is infected before the plants show signs. Growers have wanted that since the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (TOBRFV) reared its ugly head.…

New version Plantalyzer Vision software promises over 99% accuracy

HortiKey said it improved the Plantalyzer Vision software capabilities. The results are higher accuracy and higher consistency in tomato detection, according…

©2022 DPIRD

Soil moisture monitoring project to boost horticulture production

A soil moisture monitoring project has commenced boosting water use efficiency and profitability of Western Australian horticulture businesses. The Department of Primary…

Hort Innovation welcomes two new directors

Hort Innovation has welcomed two new board directors as the grower-owned Rural Research and Development Corporation sharpens its focus on grower priorities.   At the organization’s Annual…

"If we continue like this, everyone will get their turn eventually"

Earlier this fall John Ruyven appealed to the greenhouse horticulture to make its voice heard. "Why is nobody doing anything?" the Dutch technician asked…

Virginia Artero, Commercial Director at Nationwide Produce:

"The forecasts that producers had in Almeria were inaccurate"

Almeria's vegetable campaign is advancing, and the production volumes are not as forecast due to a changing climate, especially in the case of tomatoes, cucumbers, and…

Video Sustainable energy use in horticulture - heating with biomass

A webinar on sustainable energy solutions in horticulture using heating with biomass took place on Monday, 14 November. The ongoing shift away from fossil fuels is creating…

Special A Fresh Start

Video Mealybug Management: how to manage this pest

What is mealybug and how does it impact greenhouse and nursery crops? How is it addressed? In this short Nufarm virtual learning series webinar, Key Account Manager…

© Okea | Dreamstime.com

Vietnam: Agricultural sector aims to increase use of organic fertilizer

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam aims to have local production using 25 percent organic fertilizers in the next three years. MARD also…

Picture: bwcon

Organifarms wins CyberOne Hightech Award

With the "ambitious goals, a great founding team, a viable business model with broad application scenarios, and their approach to a social problem," Organifarms convinced the…

Image: KCTV

State media review: North Korea rewards greenhouse workers with new homes

North Korean state media this week spotlighted the opening of the new housing project for workers from the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm project. The new residential area is part of…

"Hearing loss, common in farming, can be prevented"

Natural hearing loss comes with age, but exposure to a loud environment — common in agriculture — can cause noise-induced hearing loss, said a pair of Kansas…

Path analysis of the main control factors of transpiration in grape greenhouse

To investigate the characteristics of grape transpiration water consumption and its environmental coupling mechanism in a greenhouse growing environment in cold areas of…

Dómhnal Slattery takes on role as special adviser at Abu Dhabi’s Pure Harvest

Aviation entrepreneur Dómhnal Slattery, who stepped down recently as chief executive of Dublin-based aircraft leasing firm Avolon, has been appointed a special adviser to Abu…

Effects of image enhancement on effective plastic greenhouse segments

To improve the multi-resolution segmentation (MRS) quality of plastic greenhouses (PGs) in GaoFen-2 (GF-2) images, the effects of atmospheric correction and image enhancement…

Remediation of cadmium stress in strawberry plants

Strawberry plants are strongly affected by heavy-metal-contaminated soils, which affects plant growth, yield and fruit quality. The aim of this work was to study the effects…

The Hindu Business Online

India: Dutch delegation visits hydroponic farm Nutrifresh

Nine Dutch companies were a part of the horticultural trade mission to understand the Indian fresh food sector and new consumer demand and supply trends.Nutrifresh, an…

Oppy reunited at first-ever Global Produce & Floral Show

After a two-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many transformations, advancements, and innovations happening in the meantime, the produce industry reunited for…

Insect detection in sticky trap images of tomato crops using machine learning

As climate change, biodiversity loss, and biological invaders are all on the rise, the significance of conservation and pest management initiatives cannot be stressed. Insect…

© Tatjana Kraminkina | Dreamstime.com

Influence of exogenous application of glycine betaine on strawberry

Glycine betaine (GB) plays a crucial role in plants and in their response to abiotic stress. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the application of glycine betaine (GB)…

© Alexander Raths | Dreamstime.com

"Food shortages need local discussions"

Rising costs across the country and limited supplies of lettuce are shifting and changing what consumers are able to buy. The food shortage, coupled with the impact of…

Today on social media



We had an exciting visit to our experimental #tomato #greenhouse, and had an opportunity to see our work come to life. We even got to taste the new varieties! Thanks to our…

Organic ginger from a Dutch greenhouse

From its outset, Sawari Fresh has had a clear mission: supplying the highest quality ginger from across the globe to its clients in Europe and beyond. In 2020, that focus led…

Energy Cave: Sharing knowledge on geothermal heat

This summer, at the Rijswijk Centre for Sustainable Geo-energy (RCSG), the Energy Cave was opened. This is both an exhibition space and meeting place where the newest insights…

Webinar: Opportunities for horticulture in Algeria and Egypt

Want to research opportunities for horticulture in Algeria and Egypt? Join the webinar of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on Monday,…

100% Vegan friendly DIY Pesto Kit introduced in The Netherlands

Europe Retail Packing B.V. from Poeldijk, Holland, released a DIY Pesto Kit available in the Netherlands in time for the Holiday Season. It contains fresh, Class 1, and…


Canada: Lettuce shortage causing prices to skyrocket

A lettuce shortage is causing problems all across our country, and Strathmore is feeling the effects. Mike Scott from Mike's Bar and Grill said he's had to pull some salads…

José Luis Samper, of Explotaciones Agrícolas Samper S.C.L.:

"Next month there could be a shortage of lettuce in the market"

There are many lettuce varieties, but the Romaine, whose leading producer, by far, is the Region of Murcia, still has a prominent position in the market. "Romaine lettuce is a…


Grill master with a capital G

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