Arie Luiten savors his daily 'bakkie' in the new Luiten Greenhouse facility ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Thursday, May 16, 2024

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open day at Kalamazoo, Michigan on May 30th

Arie Luiten savors his daily 'bakkie' in the new Luiten Greenhouse facility

Mother's Day is over, the growers in the area are less busy, so it's time for a celebration, thought Arie Luiten of Luiten Greenhouse Tech. So, what do…

620 tons per year at full production capacity

Thailand: Gov-backed complex of vertical farm and greenhouses officially inaugurated

"Whilst we're in our first phase of the project, the team will be growing leafy greens year-round via a combination of a vertical farm and greenhouse…

Jan van Genderen, Royal Berry:

"Despite climate challenges, customers still expect perfect products"

"We've had not much sun since February, so it's another late spring, and strawberry production is slightly slower than usual and later than planned,"…

How indoor farms can strengthen the fresh produce supply of outdoor growers

"There's a bigger chance of crop failure for outdoor growers not to deliver, because of weather. We should continue to balance it out with CEA produce.…

today in Perpignan

French growers protest Moroccan imports

In response to a call from Légumes de France, as well as the FDSEA 66 and JA 66 unions, a new mobilization is taking place today, May 16th, from 9am in…

© Pressmaster |

Thai - Dutch Session in Horti Asia 2024 in Bangkok

If you are interested in innovative & sustainable horticulture, the Netherlands Embassy in Bangkok, together with the Horticultural Science Society of…


BLE report Week 19:

'Moroccan TOVs are disappearing from the market'

TOVs as well as round tomatoes primarily originated from the Netherlands and Belgium, followed by Spain, with supplies from Morocco no longer playing a…

New organic varieties help cucumber and pepper growers to face the future

Bonsagan RZ is a new organic cucumber variety by Rijk Zwaan for high-wire systems. It is a Bon Defense variety, which means that it has high resistance…

© Lianem |

UK: Border Target Operating Model: increase of plants and plant products that can move into GB freely

On 29 August 2023, the UK Government published the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), which seeks to deliver one of the most advanced trade borders…

Netherlands Pavilion during the HortEx Vietnam 2025

Since the launch of HortEx Vietnam in 2018, the Netherlands Embassy in Vietnam has been strongly supporting the exhibition and has been offering Dutch…

Special GreenTech 2024

"A good growing pot is necessary for blueberry production"

"The blueberry industry develops in Yunnan very quickly. This year, due to the high temperature and Less rainfall, blueberries go to the market from…

Celebrating 17 years of partnership by co-branding tomato program

Seventeen years into their partnership, Calavo Growers and Agrícola Belher celebrate their alliance by co-branding their tomatoes. The program, which…

Researchers breed tomato plants that contain the complete genetic material of both parent plants

In a new study published in Nature Genetics, led by Charles Underwood from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne, Germany,…

Hyundai Motor Group

Hyundai opens vertical farm and 3-star restaurant in its Innovation Center

In a collaboration between three Michelin-star Chef Corey Lee and Hyundai Motor Group Innovation Center Singapore (HMGICS), Na Oh, a new restaurant…

UK: Scottish Ag minister opens Advanced Crop Storage facility

"We are thrilled to announce the opening of our new advanced crop storage facility at The James Hutton Institute, officially inaugurated by Jim Fairlie…

Polish growers focus on cooperation and innovation

The Horticulture of the Future Cluster (Klaster Ogrodnictwo Przyszłości) was established in the spring of 2024. It is an innovative initiative in the…

Today on social media

Van der Avoird Trayplant BV

Strawberry propagation | The fresh strawberry runners are growing well, ready to be tipped, so we can deliver soon fresh plants to growers who start with our fresh strawberry…

Euro 2024: no fruit for fans, sausages get pricey

At Euro 2024 in Germany, England fans are prohibited from bringing fruit and other foods to games, a move to promote local sausage sales, priced up to…

US (TX): Carver HS students visit to Moonflower Farms

Carver students visited the Moonflower Farms to tour the local hydroponics grower farm. The students had a firsthand opportunity to observe the…

Growing plants and vegetables in orbit

Growing plants in space, whether in orbital stations or future lunar and Martian settlements, is aimed at producing fresh food to support a stable…

© Vlad Teodor |

Deadline: 31 July 2024

Nominations for Women in Ag Award now open

DLG and Women in Ag Magazine joint award recognizes the professional work of women in agriculture - Applications now open - International jury…

Rutgers University

Diagnosing collar rot and alternaria stem rot of tomato

Collar rot (Alternaria linariae) or Alternaria stem rot (Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici) of tomato are common in young tomato plants. Either…

© Jon Helgason |

USDA announces funding focused on organic production

USDA has announced new programs, partnerships, grant awards and an additional $10 million in funding to expand the markets for organic products and…

AI will unravel secrets of non-coding genes

From smart chatbots to apps that can write entire articles, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly ubiquitous part of our lives.…

© Michael Zech |

Global area boom for greenhouse cultivation revealed by satellite mapping

Greenhouse cultivation has been expanding rapidly in recent years, yet little knowledge exists on its global extent and expansion. Using commercial and…

CAN (AB): Maskwacis Greenhouse supplies schools with fresh veggies

Some Maskwacis schools receive a daily supply of freshly produced lettuce and other herbs from a plant in the city. An operation manager for Akamihk…

Headlines from

Marty Johnston and Kyle Primeau, Lune Rise Farms:

CAN: “Making our own nutrients had a major impact”

"We started making our own nutrients last year to slowly transition away from purchased nutrients. Our motto is: if we wouldn't put it into our own…

AU: PCA to pick up "Webinar Wednesday" events again

Protected Cropping Australia is again organizing the "Webinar Wednesday" events. These events will see industry leaders and companies providing an…

Blue dream – Ukraine sets historic blueberry export record

In a remarkable feat, Ukraine shattered records in 2023 by exporting an unprecedented volume of over 4,000 tons of fresh blueberries to international…

Peeling away a cause of food loss

Apples may be famous for keeping doctors away, but sometimes they suffer from ailments of their own. Sunscald is one such disorder, in which heat and light…

Mounting regulations create challenges for Texas spinach producers

In Zavala County, Texas, Ed and Paige Ritchie of Tiro Tres Farms implement a detailed coding system to document production practices for their spinach…

SILAL inaugurates largest automated packhouse in UAE

Prominent Abu Dhabi Agrifood and technology company Silal has inaugurated its automated packhouse in Al Ain, spanning 12,000 square metres. The…


ANSA warns importers about the necessity to sell fresh produce only after lab results

The National Food Safety Agency has issued a warning to importers of fresh fruits and vegetables, emphasizing the necessity to sell only after obtaining lab…

“Sea freight costs surged by 20%, intensifying competition in the export market of mushroom logs”

Since the conclusion of the pandemic, China's export volume of mushroom growing logs has progressively increased over the past two years, nearly…

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