Dutch grower puts solar panels above soft fruit plants ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Any News?

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Arlette Sijmonsma

Annet Breure

Elita Vellekoop

 Job Offers
Greenhouse Crop Specialist - Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Greenhouse Product Development Specialist - Leamington (Ontario) Canada
Sales Assistant - Europe Division
Back-office assistant - Barendrecht, The Netherlands
Supply Chain Assistant  – Netherlands
Plant Science R&D Technician - Brooklyn (New York) USA
Head Grower - Alberta, Canada
Account Manager
Lead IoT Engineer - KAUST near Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Quality Assurance System Manager

"quality improves because of stable climate"

Dutch grower puts solar panels above soft fruit plants

Growing red berries under solar panels: the first to do this is Rini Kusters of Kusters Zachtfruit. The trial solar panel setup that he installed together with GroenLeven last…

Giuseppe Cilio from Italo's Farmer

Corona outbreak urges Italian grower to innovate: tomato sauces from greenhouse produce

Difficult moments sometimes lead to great ideas, and solutions for problems are mostly found reacting in a timely manner and with the courage to change direction. This is what…

industry unites to get them up and running again

Dutch greenhouses collapsed because of snow

Several Dutch growers have been severely hit by the snow and are currently working hard to save their crops. At the same time, the inventory phase is still in full swing,…

Studying invasive species in phytotron research chambers

Invasive species threaten waterways, wildlife and native plants throughout North America. Biologists at McGill University in Montreal are examining the characteristics of…

Indoor ag-con changes dates and locations for 2021

With safety in mind, the Indoor Ag-Con management team has made the decision to push the dates for its previously announced May 16-18, 2021 agriculture trade…

Fertilizer giant Stanley Agriculture targets home gardeners on Pinduoduo

More people living in cities worldwide are growing vegetables in their homes and communities to provide a source of food and as a diversion during lengthy homestays during the…


U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement Seasonal Perishable Products Weekly Update

Supplies of bell peppers from Mexico through Nogales expected to increase seasonally

Unloading backlogs at ports on both US coasts continue to delay arrivals of offshore produce. Border crossings from Mexico face fewer transportation issues and are in many…

First strawberry crop picked above the Arctic Circle

The first yield of strawberries have been picked in the “smart greenhouse” at the Gazpromneft Yamal production field. The project for producing vegetables and berries above…

"Travel restrictions will affect Canadian vegetable production"

Canada’s horticultural industry plays a vital role in producing local, fresh food for millions. Many of the farms employ seasonal workers, temporary foreign…

Arkensas University students to work with produce blackberries

University of Arkansas students will work with Scatter Creek Berries and Produce to learn more about plants. The business grows many vegetables and fruits. Now, they’re…

Special Climate

New heat-diffusing mesh with aluminum microparticles blocks 66% of infrared radiation

Agralia is a Spanish agro-textile company that has been dedicated to crop protection for more than 40 years. The constant search for solutions to the farmers' needs has led to…

Crop protection company launches web platform

AgBiTech, a crop protection company focusing on science-based biological crop protection has launched its websites detailing its products, activities and…

Chinese e-commerce platform invests in horticulture

With China’s Lunar New Year around the corner, many Chinese people have cultivated a new hobby as a horticulturist. China’s interactive e-commerce platform Pinduoduo (PDD)…

Study on using digestate as fertilizer for tomato cultivation

The effects of two digestates split up in liquid and solid fractions were investigated on tomato production. The objectives were (1) to verify if the two…

Greenhouse sanitation advice for disease management

Proper greenhouse sanitation is important for healthy, disease-free vegetable transplant production. Efforts need to be made to keep transplant production…

Free webinars on commercial growth of strawberries

The Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium will be providing a series of webinars throughout this year concerning all aspects of commercial strawberry…

US: Future of farming on display at Hamburg hydroponic lettuce operation

Jason Henry says his little lettuce operation in Hamburg is just "an experiment" adding "we've got it scheduled so there is a fresh crop of plants coming out every week".…

Smooth movement on organic baby lettuce

Supplies of organic baby lettuce are good currently. Patty Emmert of Duncan Family Farms in Goodyear, AZ notes that supplies are coming from both the desert region of Central…

Agriculture can benefit from faster data procession with 5G

The evolution of wireless connectivity has allowed us to do more and more with our smartphones. What does this technology offer us beyond making it easier to stream video to…

Chartered Institute of Horticulture appoints Helen Sessions to development role

The Chartered Institute of Horticulture (CIH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Helen Sessions as Development Officer. Helen brings a wealth of horticultural…

Free registration for CPMA 2021 Fresh Week now open

Registration for CPMA 2021 Fresh Week is now open and free. Designed with the entire supply chain in mind, Fresh Week is Connections: Reimagined. The event…

Expanded horticulture program allows inmates to blossom

 The Davidson County jail is expanding its horticulture program thanks to a big donation. The sheriff's office wants the program to be about teaching inmates life lessons and skills…

Ontario training program for new workers in agriculture

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is proud to launch an online training program for workers new to the agricultural sector, created in partnership…

Indian university develops new water-conserving irrigation method

Scientists at the Hesaraghatta-based Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) have developed a new irrigation method, which conserves even more water than drip…

"Cityponics: ensuring food security in Singapore"

Food security and access to safe and nutritious food in Singapore is a challenge on several fronts as Singapore is a small city-state with limited resources, with only 1 per…

Blue Water Farms

Minnesota's farm wants to move walleye production indoors

Blue Water Farms is a Minnesota-based startup with the plan to use recirculating aquaculture systems technology, known as an RAS, to produce walleye and plant products. The…

Study on viruses becoming plant protector of host under drought

In a fascinating discovery, a widespread virus that usually harms plants from the cabbage family, such as broccoli and cauliflower, has been seen actually benefiting its hosts…

Today on social media



First ever EU fruit & vegetable e-Commerce market study shows promising signs for the future of online sales

Today Freshfel Europe and the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and…

What will 2021 bring regarding the expansion of strawberry plantations in Moldova?

The Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) has reported there were about 97 hectares of new strawberry plantations planted in Moldova last…


Astra fruit-peeling machines

Top solutions for fresh cut produce

With labor and food safety concerns more important than ever, more and more grocery retailers are looking to commissaries, central kitchens and other offsite…

International Air Transport Association

IATA: 2020 worst year for air cargo demand since performance monitoring began in 1990

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets showing that demand for air cargo decreased by 10.6% in 2020, compared to 2019.…

Fresh produce distributor launches home delivery produce box

Baldor Specialty Foods has launched a Peak Season Box available for home delivery. Baldor says the box contains the best of the company’s peak season fruits and vegetables.…

FDA announces new sampling plan for Romaine from the Yuma, Arizona growing region

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is launching an assignment to collect romaine lettuce samples from commercial coolers in the Yuma County, Arizona growing…


Ghana: Tomato shortage imminent due to persisting highway robberies

In Ghana, a tomato shortage is imminent as importers and transporters of the product have started an indefinite strike. The strike, which started over the…

PRNewsfoto/Graphic Packaging International

New paperboard innovation launched for fresh produce

Paper-based packaging leader, Graphic Packaging International ('Graphic Packaging') is proud to announce the launch of ProducePack, a sustainable paperboard packaging range of…

Viva Fresh plans for hybrid event with in-person expo late March

“We have taken every precaution to make this a safe and successful event”

It has been almost a year since the last in-person trade show was held in the US, and while organizers have been very innovative in moving their shows to virtual platforms,…

New compostable packaging can double shelf-life of fresh produce

Compostable packaging producer TIPA and shelf-life extension specialist PerfoTec have partnered to offer fully compostable packaging that extends the shelf-life of fresh…


That's why I hate shopping


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