Leafy Hydroponics Summit: Think before you spend ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Arlette Sijmonsma


Andrea Di Pastena


Annet Breure


Eelkje Pulley


Priscilla Heeffer


Soft Fruit Farm Manager

Assistant Sales Manager


Procurement specialist Avocados

Supply Chain Coordinator

Sales Manager

Sales Manager for Benelux & Nordic countries (M/F)

Account Manager Citrus

Logistics expert - Produce (f/m/d)

Executive Director

Leafy Hydroponics Summit: Think before you spend

Think before you grow – or better put: think before you spend your money. If there is one lesson to be learned from the first day of the Leafy…

US (TX): San Antonio based 140,000 sqft indoor farm selects Bloem's customizable lighting

Bloemteknik has started a collaboration with Soli Organic. Bloem's customizable lighting is vital to realizing the scientific advancements of Soli…

CAN: Ontario fruits and vegetables grown sustainably, study shows

A focus on sustainable production isn't a new approach for Ontario's fruit and vegetable growers. In fact, a new study shows Ontario growers have been…

US: NIAB chief urges next Government to prioritize implementing rules for precision breeding in agriculture

A leading UK scientist has called on the next Government to prioritize the introduction of detailed rules which are still needed to implement the…

LUMIGREY® reflective net by Agrintech mitigates internal temperatures by 6/7°C

Climate change makes greenhouse cultivation increasingly problematic

Climate change confirms itself as the number one problem for agriculture on a global level and Sicilian intensive greenhouse cultivation, despite its…

© Vlad Teodor | Dreamstime.com

US: APHIS protects domestic fruit production and deregulates ToBRFV in fruit for consumption

USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is updating and issuing a Federal Order designed to continue protecting the domestic pepper…

US (MN): Bushel Boy Farms pay about $200,000 in back wages, damages

Bushel Boy Farms is coughing up nearly $200,000 in back wages and damages to 94 employees for unpaid overtime, state officials said Monday, the…

Artechno open day attracts visitors from many countries

On 10 June, there was an open day at Artechno's demo and research center. No fewer than 150 visitors saw the vertical farming systems in action during…

Spain: Rains and hail in Murcia caused damages worth 48 million euros

In recent days, rains and hail in the Spanish region of Murcia have caused losses worth 48 million euros, according to a report drawn up by technicians of the…

Improved sustainability: mushroom cultivation possible with reduced peat use

Not everyone knows it, but growing our mushrooms uses a lot of peat excavated from valuable natural areas. Growers cover the compost with casing soil…

Special Crop Protection

© Palex66 | Dreamstime.com

Plant washes and other tools to make detecting Parvispinus easier

Plant washes are a simple but effective method to detect low levels of critical pests, such as Thrips parvispinus. Once you've washed out your pests,…

Harvest House

Pointed bell pepper market is proliferating and wants more:

"We want to compete with block peppers"

Pointed bell pepper cultivation is expanding rapidly in the Netherlands. This pointed fruit vegetable is no longer a niche product. The marketing…

New organic lettuce blends launched

Recently, Misionero introduced an Organic Renaissance Blend–a butter-forward restaurant-style salad, as well as the Organic Red Butter Blend, and the…

Today on social media

Key Account Manager - Signify

Allison Driskill

5 years ago I was setting up our first facings at Harris Teeter with my business partner, Mary! Still so proud of all we accomplished at Blue Thumb Farms - days like today I…

Aquaponics is proving more profitable than RAS

Aquaponics facilities are generally more profitable than the recirculation aquaculture systems (RASs) that have sprung up in the US in the past…

© Dragoscondrea | Dreamstime.com

USDA awards $50 M to support farmworkers and agricultural employers

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding $50 million to 141 awardees in 40 states…

PRO-MIX co-branded with AGTIV Technologies

Premier Tech announced that its proprietary biological active ingredients will be unified under the AGTIV brand."We are excited to announce the…

CAN (AB): Athabasca will receive $90,000 for solar greenhouse feasibility study

A solar greenhouse to grow local food security, support for a long-running farm women's conference, and workshops to promote agritourism are just a few…

"Plants like to be fed at specific times, in a specific way, to optimally grow”

Nestled in Leamington, Ontario – often called the greenhouse capital of North America – is Nature Fresh Farms' 150-acre greenhouse and headquarters.…

© Davidleshem | Dreamstime.com

US (NV): Desert Farming Initiative accepting applications for farm apprenticeship program

Share to FacebookShare to TwitterThose aspiring to start or expand their own small-scale farm operation can now apply for a one-year apprenticeship at…

© Wellesenterprises | Dreamstime.com

US (CA): CDFA accepting concept proposals for biologically integrated farming systems grant program

The California Department of Food and Agriculture's Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis (OPCA) is now accepting concept proposals for its…

Headlines from

US (CA): Alarming levels of pesticides in cannabis products at dispensaries across the state

Aging yuppies in neon beachwear stand before a green wall with the catchphrase "You have changed ... so has cannabis." The social media post is part of…

Van der Plas Sprouts doubles cultivation capacity following acquisition of adjacent property

"Our sprouts are doing very well among vegetarians"

Last year, Van der Plas Sprouts from Broek op Langedijk invested in a new building, which has now been completely renovated into a new, modern…

Rapsodia can yield up to 7 kilograms per plant

The new tricolour cherry tomato variety from Romania

Tomato growers and consumers will be able to enjoy a new type of tricolour cherry tomato. Rapsodia – a new cherry tomato variety from the Genetic Plant…


USMCA seasonal perishable products weekly update

Cucumber imports from Mexico expected to decrease sharply as most shippers are finished for the season

Avocados shippers from Mexico crossings through Texas continue to struggle to find buyers for high-priced fruit. Most of the inventory is utilized to…

Good movement on larger California strawberry crop

There is a plentiful supply of strawberries from California right now. "The quality of strawberries is excellent and the weather is also excellent.…


METRO was honoured with this year's DPOK award

Warehouse strikes end after workers accepted a new deal from Morrisons

UK: Tesco CEO insists new marketplace is 'not trying to be Amazon'Tesco's chief executive has said the supermarket is not trying to replicate Amazon…

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