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Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Any News?

If you want to share your company news with the entire horticulture industry, please send us a press release or contact our editorial staff. We will publish your news free of charge.

Arlette Sijmonsma

Annet Breure

Elita Vellekoop

Jan Jacob
Jan Jacob Mekes

 Job Offers
Chief Executive Officer - Tropical North Queensland (Tully) Australia
Head Grower in USA
Commercial Manager | Cut Flowers - Kenya
Market Access & Quality Systems Manager | Fruit - Bologna, Italy
Business Development Manager - Madrid, Spain
Commercial Manager - Amsterdam / Europe
Regional Sales Representative/Manager - Southwest Region (USA)
IPM Manager
Fruit Export Junior Sales Manager (Europe Division)
Agricultural Tech EU Sales Representative - London, UK

US greenhouse growers in legal dispute over "Mighty" tomatoes

MightyVine, a Chicago greenhouse grower on 22.5 acres is suing Ontario greenhouse grower Mastronardi Produce over the use of the term ‘Mighty’ in its branding. MightyVine,…


Georgia: Imereti Greenery becomes touristic hotspot

They are specialised in growing tomatoes and lettuce hydroponically. Now the growers of the Georgian company LLC Imereti Greenery will have to learn something new. Thee…

"As thrips is very hard to control we developed a new type of anti-thrips netting"

At the IPM, Howitec Netting will be introducing Ornata Air Plus 1517, a 90 mesh anti-thrips netting. This insect net has a high UV-stability (kLy600) and is produced in…

"He who sows AI shall reap accurate predictions"

Good harvest forecasts are key for an optimal pricing strategy and labor planning. Under and over production, for example, can have major consequences for pricing. In…

Urban Greenhouse Challenge 2: 20 teams make it to the next round

From October onwards, the 53 teams participating in the second edition of the Urban Greenhouse Challenge have been working on their designs of an iconic and circular urban…

UK: LEDs installed at Aberystwyth University greenhouse

A state of the art greenhouse at Aberystwyth University that is helping breed next-generation plants is itself cutting its carbon emissions by installing new LED lights. In…

Live your dream: life in a greenhouse

Do you always feel sad when leaving work? Would you like to spend more time under glass? And do you agree that the horticultural benefits could be applied more broadly? Then…

Education supports growers switching to Next Generation Growing

Project Next Generation Growing (NGG): Step on it! is intended to motivate growers to hit the road towards the NGG and to redirect their mindset based on new knowledge and…

First bell peppers lighting test Hoogstraten already harvested

For the second year in a row, Proefcentrum Hoogstraten is executing tests with lighting for bell peppers. This season, harvest was extra early, last Wednesday January 8 to be…

Special Trade Shows 2020

"Successful test results and proven technology against fungi"

Micothon has developed this chemical free application for combating fungi like mildew and botrytis in greenhouse crops. Multiple installations have been successfully…

US (NC): Syngenta incentive for $1.7 million approved by city council

The Greensboro City Council approved the $1.7 million incentive for Syngenta at a special meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16 in the Council Chamber. The vote for the incentive was 8…

Micronesian greenhouse production gets funding boost from Australia

The Australian Embassy congratulates College of Micronesia Centre for Entrepreneurship (CoE) - Hydroponic Greenhouse Expansion Project, a recent grant recipient of the Direct…

Spanish officials investigate Yara Iberian

The Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) has initiated an investigation against Yara Iberian SA at Yara’s Madrid office. Officials from…

First cucumber crops picked in the north of Belarus

The first crops of greenhouse cucumbers are being collected in the north of the Republic of Belarus. Thanks to the supplemental lighting and heating systems, summer conditions…

Agri Dashboard tomatoes

Average weighted prices for Italian tomatoes still below 5-year average

In the first half of the first month of 2020, average weighted prices for tomatoes in the EU (at €99,- per 100 kgs) are about €21 lower year-on-year, and about €16 below the…

Using digestate and biochar as fertilizers to improve processing tomato production sustainability

The principal goal of the organic farming system (OFS) is to develop enterprises that are sustainable and harmonious with the environment. Unfortunately, the OFS yields fewer…

Today on social media

Cristóbal Casillas Silva


British trade delegation examines agri-tech opportunities in India

CHAP Business Development Manager Chris Delf recently took part in a trade mission to India, organised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the British High Commission…

Australia: Food-growing technology empowers indigenous communities

Stepping inside one of Food Ladder's cool, leafy growing systems is a stark contrast to the dry, inhospitable conditions outside. In the Northern Territory's Katherine,…

Ambitious aquaponics project aims to boost Rwandan food security

A ground-breaking aquaponics research project has been launched to help Rwandan farmers to improve their livelihoods and levels of nutrition. Led by researchers from the…

'Buy Canadian' campaign focuses on food and agriculture

A "Buy Canadian" advertising campaign focusing on local food and the national agricultural system will be rolling out in the coming months, the federal government said…

Henk van Doorne, Van Doorne Imex:

"In the Netherlands, things seem to get more difficult every year for lettuce"

"A wily crop," is how grower/trader Henk van Doorne describes Dutch greenhouse lettuce cultivation. "It seems as if things get a little more difficult every…

First bean harvest on martian and lunar soil fertilised with urine

Since November 2019, Wageningen University & Research has been experimenting with the cultivation of string beans on artificial martian and lunar soil. What makes this…

"Aquaponics can reduce food miles"

Long travel distances for our food lead to excessive carbon use, energy use for refrigeration, food spoilage, nutrient depletion, and poorer food security. by Brian Filipowich…

Software tool promotes efficiency and collaboration for growers

Calculate the value of your own products and make decisions about future production based on your own data. GreenPlan is a tool in production planning and the production…

REO Veiling sells first cucumbers of the season

On Friday 17 January, the first cucumbers of the new growing season were sold by REO Veiling. With the sale of the first cucumbers, the new growing season has now completely…

Russia blocks 211 tons of Moroccan tomatoes following discovery of tomato moth

Phytosanitary officers at the Saint Petersburg port refused entry for the tomatoes after the discovery of a dangerous insect. Russian phytosanitary officers at Saint…

Size of tomatoes from Yunnan this year smaller

In the winter, tomatoes are not only a key commodity in the market but also one of the purchasers’ favorites. In China, tomatoes with their red color, are…

Urban farming is rapidly gaining in importance

How urban farms could feed millions

Urban farming is intended to provide people in the conurbations with local food. It concerns how ecological the farms actually are and the development of future-oriented urban…

Rimini 2nd to 6th of May

Strawberry Symposium 2020

The International Strawberry Symposium 2020 will take place in Rimini on 2nd-6th May 2020. It is organized by Università Politecnica delle Marche and Consiglio per la ricerca…




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