The latest news and analysis about patient safety and quality.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Featured Story

Hospital-Acquired Conditions Drop 13% Over Three Years
The reduction translates into 910,000 fewer HACs, including adverse drug events and healthcare-associated infections, which helped prevent 20,500 hospital deaths and saved $7.7 billion over the three-year span, according to a new analysis from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

News & Analysis

Four Steps to Manage Antibiotics in Acute Care Settings
Appropriate prescribing of antibiotics by healthcare providers is essential to help avoid the development of antibiotic-resistant infections, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls one of the most severe public health problems in the country.
PSMF Targets Problem of Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults
The Patient Safety Movement Foundation has named postoperative delirium as its 18th patient safety challenge, collecting solutions for organizations to implement to reduce the number of preventable deaths from the condition.
Nurses Create Escape Room to Increase Sepsis Awareness
The original idea for the escape room started in 2017 when Lauren McPeake, RN, BSN, created a simulation-based escape room to educate the nurses on her geriatric unit on the care of sepsis.
PSMJ member content

Remembering Winter Storm Jonas

To prepare for the storm, Taylor and his colleagues conducted a brainstorming session with the director of facilities planning to identify a list of potential spaces that could be converted into sleeping areas, ranking their convertibility from easy to difficult.

Industry Events

Wednesday, 1/30 - 2019 Virginia Patient Safety Summit

Thursday, 3/14 - Workplace Violence Prevention Symposium 2019

Thursday, 4/11 - IHI Summit on Improving Patient Care

Wednesday, 5/15 - 2019 IHI Patient Safety Congress




Product Spotlight

Accreditation 101: A Beginner's Guide to Hospital Survey

This February 19 webinar provides a road map for the new accreditation specialist’s education and orientation, with plenty of guidance along the way. In this 90-minute webinar, accreditation expert Heather Forbes, BSN, RN, CEN, CPhT, covers survey preparation, responding to findings, maintaining compliance, and the role of the accreditation specialist.

Conducted in clear, accessible terms, this webinar is open to anyone wanting to learn more about the accreditation process—hospital leaders, quality officers, facility directors, and nurse leaders.

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Career Center

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