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Hello everyone,

I hope your summer was as lovely and safe as mine was.🙏

As excited as I am to give you an update on my tomato competition with my neighbour, I saved it for a postscript as we have a lot to cover today. From iOS 15 to iPad to the all-new 1Password 8 for Mac, it’s been an exciting summer!

Let’s see what our team has been up to.

1Password for Safari on iPhone 🎉

Every once in a while a new technology comes along that changes everything. And iOS 15 is one of them. With it we’ve been able to create the best 1Password experience we’ve ever had on iPhone.

It’s hard to believe how amazing this is without seeing it in action so start with our 1Password for iOS 15 announcement video and come back here after adding your like and hitting that notification bell. 😘

While browsing in Safari you can now open 1Password to view your saved items for the current page and fill your username, passwords, and one-time passwords.
Access everything you need without ever needing to leave Safari. Search, create Smart Passwords, change passwords, save new logins, you name it. It’s a complete game changer.

1Password for Safari is here for iOS 15, and it's life-changing

And it’s a bit hard to tell from the screenshots here but these images are sporting the new iPhone 13 Pro in the gorgeous Blue Sierra. I ordered mine as soon as preorders opened up and am loving the new camera. 🥰

1Password for Safari on iPad 🎉

As thrilled as I am about 1Password on iPhone, the iPad experience is simply stunning. That gorgeous sheet of glass enabled us to bring over the full experience you’ve been using on your Desktop.
Having the full desktop experience on my iPad makes my heart sing and has completely changed how I browse the web. See our combined iPad + iPhone announcement post for more details:

Introducing 1Password for Safari on iPadOS 15

I’ve dreamed of this since my very first iPad and I’m absolutely thrilled with the possibilities iPadOS 15 makes possible. 🥰

1Password 8 for Mac early access

It’s hard to top the iPhone and iPad news as those releases are absolutely incredible, but our Mac team is on track to do exactly that.

Yes, it’s time to talk about 1Password 8 for Mac! 🎉

We’re not done yet but we are inviting those adventurous folks among you to join our early access. Think of it as an early beta where you’ll be able to help us through the testing process as we get ready for the final release. Here’s how things look today:
I absolutely love our new design language here and the user experience is the best we’ve ever had. To get here we went back to the drawing board and reimagined everything 1Password could be on Mac, and in the process completely recreated every bit and every pixel.

Learn all about 1Password 8 for Mac and how to join the early access in our announcement:

1Password 8 for Mac is now in Early Access!

Speaking of Mac, as much as I love my MacBook Pro 16”, I’m dying to get my hands on the Apple Silicon version. I’m super hopeful that Apple will announce their October event soon and amaze us with some stunning new Macs. 🤞

That’s all I can fit into this newsletter so it’s time to bid you farewell. Take care and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out in our  1Password support community or reply to this email.
Take care,
Dave Teare - 1Password Founder
P.S. For those dying to know how my tomato plants turned out you’ll be happy to know I had a record year! This tweet shows less than half of my harvest. 🤯

And while I had more tomatoes than I knew what to do with, I was pleased as punch as I handily beat my neighbour and won our competition hands down! 🏆

I won by such a wide margin that he’s decided to focus his efforts on growing apples now and exiting the tomato business. 😂


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