InformationWeek Leadership & Careers
Effective Disaster Recovery; Improving C-Suite Security Relations; US Politicos Vs EU's Big Tech Policy

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InformationWeek Leadership careers
December 20, 2023

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Hot Jobs in AI/Data Science for 2024
AI exploded onto the scene. ChatGPT lit the LLM fuse, and the fire is still burning across models and brands. Here are the key jobs needed to turn the aftermath into a constructive force for the companies that deploy them.

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8 Steps Toward Effective Disaster Recovery

Disasters are increasing in frequency and costing more than ever before. When was the last time you updated your plan?
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Tips for Better C-Suite Security Relationships in 2024

How can different security leaders work seamlessly together for top-tier defense? It starts with clear program ownership and relationships built on trust.
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US Lawmakers Urge Pushback on EU’s Big Tech Crackdown

The EU’s Digital Markets Act will be too costly for American tech firms and workers, a bipartisan group of lawmakers writes in a letter to US President Joe Biden.
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  • Innovation & Cyber Resiliency

    Morphing your IT defenses to bounce back better. Driving innovation quickly while maintaining IT resiliency and cybersecurity is no small challenge. Cloud outages, wobbly supply chains, ransomware attacks, and other steep challenges may limit your staff and budget. This session ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
COP28 UAE: AI and IT at Odds in Sustainability
At COP28, the ITU said ITCs can meet all 17 of the UN’s sustainability goals. But can IT really do that in the face of AI’s insatiable demand for more energy? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Rising US Tech Hubs to Know About
With 31 designated tech hubs vying for a cut of the $500 million in CHIPS Act money meant to spur innovation, rural and urban areas outside of historical tech-heavy regions are getting attention. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
7 Security Trends to Watch Heading into 2024
Challenges and opportunities old and new will shape another year in the cybersecurity space. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hot Technology Developments Right Now
Most years, analysts have a hard time picking the hottest technology spots, but the 2023 developments almost all related to one type of technology. Can you guess what it is? Read More
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