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PM edition, Friday, February 5, 2021

Another bronze ghost: What John McEwen's statue says about Australia

Subscriber: Canberra's parliamentary zone is one of Australia's important symbolic spaces. Does a new statue of a caretaker PM deserve a place there?

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Quarantine capacity to rise after new strain scare

Capacity in the hotel quarantine system will increase in almost every state, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said today.

Rejected 'life coach' kiss led burglar to detain child

Subscriber: Giuseppe Catanzariti felt no need to conceal his identity when he and another man detained a terrified child in a Giralang house.

Travel restrictions between ACT and WA lifted

Restrictions on travellers from Perth, including the Peel and south west regions of Western Australia will be eased from 6pm on Friday.

Witness suggests victim lied about assaults

Subscriber: The lawyer for a man accused of attacking a pregnant 20-year-old says the alleged victim could have wrongly accused his client.

School Chromebooks replaced after three years

The ACT government is spending millions on replacing three-year-old Chromebooks in the territory's public schools.

ACM partners with Google to showcase local news

Media company ACM, the owner of The Canberra Times, has joined in the launch of a curated news experience to reach Google users.


Australian Ballet award in Canberran's sights

Jasmin Durham, now a lead dancer with The Australian Ballet, was just three years old when she first started dancing in Canberra.

Stuart honoured with arboretum tree planting

The Raiders coach was just the 12th person chosen to plant a tree in the Australian Hero section of the arboretum.

Kyrgios out of Australian Open warm-up event

Nick Kyrgios' Australian Open preparation has ground to a halt with defeat to Croatia's Borna Coric in his warm-up event at Melbourne Park.

COVID reward looms for ACT after BBL success

Subscriber: Cricket Australia bosses have hinted they will reward Canberra for stepping in as a COVID-19 saviour.
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