Welcome to Sleep Diaries
, where interesting people share a week's worth of late-night habits. This week we have Dr. Anthony Youn, a board-certified plastic surgeon and award-winning author of The Age Fix. Sunday: Sip on a calming tea before bed I usually get things done on Sunday evening since the weekend is not that productive. Now that
Game of Thrones is over, I don't have anything that will keep me up late watching TV. I put on my TrueDark Blue Light-Blocking Glasses to help protect my eyes from blue light while doing work on my computer. I've been working on writing my upcoming book,
Playing God: The Evolution of a Modern Surgeon, and am preparing notes for an upcoming podcast. I practice intermittent fasting most Sunday nights, so I don't eat anything after 8 p.m., but I drink some Pique Tea Organic Hibiscus Beauty Elixir to calm my mind.