It has been revealed that a discarded Sprite bottle played a key role in the arrest of accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Robert Edwards.
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How a Sprite bottle snared an accused killer
It has been revealed that a discarded Sprite bottle played a key role in the arrest of accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Robert Edwards.
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Man dies in Daintree zipline fall
A South Australian man is dead and a woman is in hospital after a zipline fall in the Daintree rainforest in far north Queensland.
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For once, Nic Nat’s not the tallest
West Coast giant Nic Naitanui has been spotted in Kenya feeding giraffes during an off-season trip.
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Nine-year-old US boy charged with murdering his family
Lawyers for a nine-year-old boy in the US had to explain to him why he was being charged with the deaths of five family members.
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‘Dream come true’: Hawkins welcomes daughter
Former Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins and her husband Jake Wall have announced the birth of their first child with a series of candid snaps on social media.
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ET star unrecognisable in mugshot
Henry Thomas, who shot to fame at the age of 10 playing Elliot in ET the Extra-Terrestrial, has been arrested in the US.
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The age at greatest risk of drowning
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Bride has grandmothers as flower girls
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