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How Adidas uses robots and athlete data to dramatically cut shoe production time

The global shoe company is using time-saving technology to shift from mass production to smaller batches of city-customized shoes.

Additional TechRepublic resources

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Facebook splitting news feed could force companies to re-think social media marketing

Amazon Echo: The smart person's guide

New for the holidays: AR shopping experience of the future, paid for with your eyeballs

5 things businesses need to consider before accepting or investing in cryptocurrency

Today's recommended downloads

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The Cloud and Your IT Infrastructure: 9 Considerations for Your Cloud Application Strategy (Dutch)


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Featured multimedia

Video: The nonprofit sector's digital transformation

The Foundation Center's Jake Garcia explains how nonprofit organizations access and use big data and machine learning to enhance social good.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Tech Budgets 2018: A CXO's Guide

Our original research shows where organizations are spending their IT budgets in 2018 and what their top priorities are. We also offer practical advice on how to put your IT dollars to good use.

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