IoT Guards the Sewer; Chatbots March on the HelpDesk; The DevOps Mindset; and More...

InformationWeek Today
October 04, 2018
ADP Harnesses Data for HR Insights
ADP has created a data benchmarking service for salary, compensation, and other HR needs.

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Troubles Downstream: IoT Meets the Sewer

Sewer spills are a messy, dangerous problem inherent with antiquated municipal infrastructure. Here's how IoT and analytics are helping.
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Pros and Cons of Chatbots in the IT Helpdesk

As AI technology evolves it's worth a closer look at what chatbots can do to provide better end user support on help desk requests.
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DevOps Hiring: Look for the Right Mindset

Managers hiring DevOps talent are shifting their focus from demanding specific technical skills to specific tools to how a candidate thinks and works.
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Why CIOs Will Lead Digital Transformation

IT executives, with their view into technology's potential, are leading key innovation efforts, and it looks like more of their peers will do the same.
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Effective Cyber Risk Assessment
Hear as top experts explain how to quantify the risks cyber threats pose to your organization, empow...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Ways AI Will Alter the Future of Work
No matter what industry you're in, artificial intelligence is likely to affect your job. Here's how. Read More
Blockchain: 5 Use Cases for the Enterprise
Everybody talks about blockchain, but is anybody really doing it? Here's a look at five use cases across industries. Read More
5 Machine Learning Technologies You Should Know
There's more to machine learning and AI than languages. Here's a look at five important libraries and frameworks. Read More
Cybersecurity Strategies for the Digital Era
At its core, digital business relies on strong security practices. In addition, leveraging security intelligence and integrating security with operations and developer teams can help organizations push the boundaries of innovation. Read More
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