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August 5, 2017


How Advisors Feel About Investing in Marijuana conducted an email survey asking advisors for their views on marijuana industry investments. More than 400 advisors participanted. Here are their responses.

An Advisor's Guide to the Cannabis Industry

Dan Weil and David H. Lenok

Investors looking to take a flyer on the “budding” industry need to understand that risks go up when companies “touch the plant.” Safer plays are further down the supply chain.

The Risks and Opportunities for Advisors in Cannabis

Ryan W. Neal

"That’s why I’m there. The profit opportunity isn’t now. It’s in two or three years.”

Former Morgan Stanley Exec Returns With New IBD Strategy

Diana Britton

Doug Ketterer, the former Morgan Stanley executive, is launching a new holding company to acquire smaller IBDs and equip them with technology and recruiting tools.

Ader: Soft Data Flattens Yields

David Ader

In the wake of the Nonfarm Payroll report, Treasuries didn’t give up much ground.

LPL CEO: DOL Will Create More Movement, Consolidation

Diana Britton

The independent broker/dealer chief believes the firm will be on the right side of the trend.

Judge Pushes DOL on Exemptions, Authority Over IRAs

Diana Britton

A federal appeals court judge asked a lot of questions of the Department of Labor, focused particularly on prohibited transaction exemptions that already exist under ERISA.

Assets of SEC-Registered Advisors Reach a Record High

Michael Thrasher

Federally registered RIAs are managing more money, due in large part to stock market appreciation.

Looking Smart About Tax Reform

Sandra G. Swirski

Answers to four questions your clients keep asking.

Advising Divorcing Women

Laurie E. Ingwersen

The seven essential estate-planning tools.