Good morning, Marketer, and don’t let a bad experience ruin a good one.

This week, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against Amazon for misleading consumers who unknowingly enrolled in the Amazon Prime service and found it next to impossible to cancel the subscription. The FTC cited “manipulative, coercive or deceptive user-interface designs known as ‘dark patterns.’”

Customer experience can make it easy to buy products or subscribe to a service. That’s convenient and good all around. If it’s too difficult to unsubscribe, ask for real help, return or get a refund, that’s bad. It risks tainting the holistic relationship that customers have with brands. And some of those relationships can bring high value over a long lifetime.

Check out AI use cases for marketing automation, the latest AI-powered releases and other marketing tech news below.

Chris Wood,


Marketing automation

6 marketing automation use cases where AI can help with data quality


Will AI help address age-old marketing issues or just add more complexity?

Marketing artificial intelligence (AI)

The latest in AI-powered martech releases


Here is a roundup of AI-powered martech products, platforms and features announced this week.


Evaluating data clean rooms for your organization


What data clean room is right for you? It depends on the team and technology you have in place.

Customer experience

The future of loyalty: Metaverse, AI and post-pandemic challenges


Discover the source of your customers' loyalty and learn how to attain it.

QR codes webinar

Unraveling the mysteries of offline campaign attribution

How can QR codes help trace your offline campaign attributions? In our comprehensive webinar, we’ll expose the link between QR codes and your app’s success. Learn about free QR code tools’ limitations, design considerations, and privacy risks. It’s a session packed with need-to-know information.

Sign up now!


Marketing technology

The secret to building a useful martech stack


Want to ensure the success of your martech investments? Here's a simplified approach to implementing your martech stack.

Account-based marketing (ABM) buyer’s guide

What is account-based marketing today and how has the space evolved?


Account-based marketing is evolving rapidly. Here are seven of the top developments in the space.


Create successful digital advertising campaigns with this essential checklist


This checklist will guide you through audience definition, goal setting, channel selection, and budget distribution for a well-prepared and impactful campaign.

Learn more

Customer experience

How Hollywood and streaming series are revolutionizing virtual events


Little Cinema used to design in-person premieres. Now they’re transforming the virtual and hybrid playbook for Hollywood.

Online training

Actionable tactics. Expert-led training. Invaluable Q&A.


Attend your choice of two-day, expert-led SMX Master Class to dive deep into generative AI, GA4, and more. Best rates expire Saturday, July 15!

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