TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 4, 2016

How Authoritarianism Took Over the GOP and Allowed for the Emergence of Emperor Trump

Matthew C. MacWilliams, AlterNet

Trump's doctrine is authoritarianism, which explains why he continues to exceed conventional expectations. READ MORE»

Neocons Are Freaking Out Over Trump and It's Hilarious

Adam Johnson, AlterNet

The guys that got us into three unwinnable wars are back and poutier than ever.  READ MORE»

GOP Operative Describes How Trump Can Be Taken Down

Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Every once in a while, you get a random event that nobody sees coming. It could be this." READ MORE»

Saudi Arabia's Oversupply of Oil Has Little to Do With Economics and Everything to Do With Politics

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

What was the political gain for the Kingdom in forcing the price of oil to drop to perilously low levels for the oil producers? READ MORE»

New Study Finds Conservatives Use More Nouns Than Liberals (VIDEO)

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Republicans prefer referring to things by their names, while Democrats more often describe them with adjectives. READ MORE»

WATCH: Colbert Rips Romney's Trump Roast: After All, It Came From Trump's Worst Failed Investment

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Trump endorsed Romney in 2012. Remember how well that worked out?  READ MORE»

Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach Highest Point in 15 Million Years

By Dahr Jamail, Truthout

Sea levels (and temperatures) are also the highest they've been in years.  READ MORE»

'I’m Changing, I’m Changing': Trump Admits to Blatantly Flip-Flopping on Immigration

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

"You're really just playing to people's fantasies," charged GOP debate moderator Megyn Kelly. READ MORE»

Inside Hillary Clinton's Push for War in Libya and the Making of a Failed State (VIDEO)

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

An interview with the New York Times journalist who exposed Clinton's demands for military action. READ MORE»

American Psycho for Prez: Donald Trump's Sons Epitomize the '80s-Style Yuppie Villainy of His Campaign

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Trump's sons suggest that their dad's supporters find prep school bully antics aspirational instead of off-putting. READ MORE»

Elizabeth Warren Is Savvy Not to Endorse Clinton or Sanders

By Erin O'Brien, The Conversation

Her support may be in-demand, but one senator is (strategically) sitting this primary season out.  READ MORE»

Here's a Glimpse at What President Trump's First 100 Minutes in Office Might Look Like

By Erich McElroy, The Independent

Construction begins on a wall to close the border. It’s started by Canada to stop people fleeing from the U.S. READ MORE»

The U.S. Has Approved Industrial Aquaculture for the First Time — and It’s a Huge Step Backwards

By George Kimbrell, Sylvia Wu, Cristina Stella, Center for Food Safety

If the U.S. public had known the extent of harms that industrial agriculture would cause, we would have never allowed it to become the norm. READ MORE»

Trump Campaign Co-Chair Arrested for Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the United States

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

The Tea Party activist was involved in the stand-off at the Bundy ranch.  READ MORE»

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