Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Quote of the Day

“It’s just being in reaction mode of ‘what’s next?’ It’s baffling. It’s heartbreaking. It shows something serious is going on.”

— Joshua Jones on learning that the Narraguagus Bay Health Care nursing home in the Washington County town of Milbridge would shut down in 60 days. Jones’ father-in-law just moved there in January after being bumped from a facility in Ellsworth that was also closing.

Today’s Top Maine Stories

Bangor schools are trying to tackle chronic absenteeism. Students who are chronically absent are more likely to drop out of school when they’re older.

Unprecedented storms have stretched the state’s home insurers to their limit. Insurance companies have pulled out of some states that have seen increased impacts from climate change.

A failed flavored tobacco ban was the year's most lobbied bill in Maine. Despite a six-digit influence campaign and bipartisan support, the bill never came before the House of Representatives for a vote.

People are outsmarting Penobscot County dispatch’s AI answering system. It was supposed to keep dispatchers at the understaffed department from being overwhelmed by non-emergency calls.

The new director of UMaine’s Lobster Institute comes with industry experience. Chris Cash spent 14 years fishing for lobster, eight of them on her own boat.


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More News from Around the State

Question of the Week

As summer is nearly upon us, we want to know: What’s your favorite summertime card game to play with your loved ones? Charlemagne, cribbage, or something else?

From the Opinion Pages

Life in Maine

When planning your garden this year, think about the native plants that you could incorporate. They can help provide critical soil infrastructure, prevent erosion, improve air quality and help with flood mitigation.

If you’re game to try an often-overlooked hike, look no further than Evans Notch. The hike on the border between Maine and New Hampshire features numerous challenging stream crossings and glorious views from the rugged mountaintop.

The Machias River offers optimal paddling experiences this time of year. Ron Chase recounts a multi-day trip that included plenty of challenges.

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