No images? Click here SPONSORED CONTENT How Barrie Whizzo Williams met his perfect match - the wildest E-Type everOut of circulation for over 40 Years, CKL Developments have finally rediscovered the craziest E-Type ever made: the monstrous Egal. This is the story of its inception, and how it came to meet the one driver who could truly tame the beast. MAGAZINE5 collector cars to put in your garage this weekSPONSORED CONTENTAfter 2000 kilometres, the 2021 Classic Marathon crosses the finish lineMAGAZINE This Gandini-designed Cizeta prototype might be the missing link to the Lamborghini DiabloMARKET Dealer Spotlight: Aston Martin Works Newport PagnellMARKETNew in the Market: G.F. AutomobiliCLASSIC DRIVER SHOPUpgrade your classic with a custom Tactico steering wheelShare Tweet Share Forward