The world record for cleaning windows — Can microwave technology fight cancer?
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May 2, 2023

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The mystery behind what scientists call space eyes

The mystery behind what scientists call space eyes

Anyone who has been to space can tell you that the views are among the best parts. But, if you are on a long trip to outer space, you may notice your eyesight worsening. The strangest part is scientists still don't know why this happens.

Tap or click here for theories about this phenomenon. →


Twitter is full of trolls and politics. Not my page, though. Come say hi and learn a thing or two.


Breaking the world record for cleaning windows

Breaking the world record for cleaning windows

The Guinness Book of World Records is full of incredible feats. From the highest tightrope walk to the deepest underwater dive. But what about window washing? One man made it his goal to become the fastest window washer in the world. This is how he did it.

Tap or click to see the cleanest world record around. →

Can microwave technology treat cancer?

Can microwave technology treat cancer?

In the early days of microwave ovens, people worried that emitted radiation could be dangerous to their health. In what you might think is an odd twist, doctors now use microwave technology to treat cancer. It helps to alleviate pain and, in some cases, even cure some forms of cancer. You have to see it to believe it.

Tap or click to see how microwave technology is used to treat cancer. →

The amazing history of popcorn

The amazing history of popcorn

There is nothing like sitting down to watch a movie with a nice bowl of freshly made buttery popcorn. Did you know this warm treat has a fascinating history that goes back almost 9,000 years?

Tap or click to find out how popcorn became a beloved treat. →


Computers don’t last and phones break

Computers don’t last and phones break

Losing everything on your devices is heartbreaking. Think about all you would miss.

Don’t leave it to chance! Take the time to back them up the right way. My pick is IDrive. It’s safe, fast and easy. You can back up all your devices — iPhone, Android, Mac, PC — to one account and access your stuff from anywhere.

When you use my name, Kim, at checkout, you get 90% off your first year. What a deal.

Save 90% now! →



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