How Bold Leaders Forge Unstoppable Teams Through Strategic Teaming
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Aug 29, 2024 3:16:00 AM

Teaming: The Non-Negotiable Imperative for Founders and Leaders

“Notfinance.Notstrategy.Nottechnology.Itisteamworkthatremainstheultimate competitiveadvantage,bothbecauseitissopowerfulandsorare.” Patrick Lencioni.

I am drawing the proverbial line in the sand. Teaming eats strategy and finance for lunch.

In one fashion or another, every leader seemingly intends to be on their own respective journey - their own relentless pursuit of performance excellence.

Yet precious few are on the correct path to such greatness. There exists a dichotomy that every Founder, CEO, and leader must confront. It is the stark choice between deliberate, intentional success or the slow, insidious descent into mediocrity. This choice is not merely about strategy, market positioning, nor product innovation. It cuts much, much deeper—it is about how you build, sustain, and continuously forge your team. This is the essence of teaming—a concept so critical that ignoring it in favor of seemingly more urgent tasks is a sure trajectory to mediocrity or outright failure.

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