TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 17, 2016

How Both Parties Have Nearly Abandoned Us to Clinton vs. Trump

Jim Sleeper, AlterNet

Here's how we got in this horrible mess. READ MORE»

The Real Odds of Falling Into Poverty Are Probably Higher Than You Think

Robin Scher, AlterNet

According to a new poverty calculator, more than half of us will experience poverty in our lives, at least temporarily. READ MORE»

Esther Perel: How Couples Can Reconnect With Their Sexual Selves

Esther Perel, Psychotherapy Networker

Our eroticism is often a mystery, even to ourselves. READ MORE»

Stop 'Helping' Hillary: Sorry, Guys, but Clinton Doesn't Need to Smile, Whisper or Have John Kasich as Her Running Mate

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Instructions to Clinton to smile more or pick Kasich as her VP are just sexism disguised as advice. READ MORE»

The Numbers Are Shocking: Over a Third of Killings by Police Are of Disabled People

By Noah Berlatsky, AlterNet

A new white paper says disability is often overlooked in media coverage of police brutality. READ MORE»

Trump Is the Symptom Not the Disease

By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship,

GOP elites have only themselves to blame for the rise of Trump. READ MORE»

A Major Unexpected New Reality in Syria: What Does It All Mean?

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Unpacking a series of surprising moves by the big players in Syria.  READ MORE»

GOP Congressman Fears Elizabeth Warren, Makes Trump-esque Comment About How to Stop Her

By Michael Arria, AlterNet

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer calls Warren the "Darth Vader of the financial services world." READ MORE»

5 of the Most Appalling Acts of Incitement From Israel This Week: Major Poll Shows Racism in Israel Is Far from Fringe

By David Sheen, AlterNet

The first-ever Pew poll of Israeli Jews found that racist sentiments were not confined to a fringe. READ MORE»

Watch the Bernie Sanders Speech the Networks Won't Show You

By Arturo Garcia, Raw Story

This is what you might have seen if all the networks weren't carrying Trump. READ MORE»

Birds Set Aflame in Midair: The Disturbing Downside of Solar Energy

By Mike Heuer, Environmental Law Review

A tragedy in the move to renewables. READ MORE»

Reefer Madness Redux: 3 Horrible, Untrue, or Wildly Overstated Marijuana Claims Made Last Week

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Harry Anslinger is dead, but his ghost lives on.  READ MORE»

Why America's Anti-Terror Bureaucracy Lives in a Constant State of Paranoia

By John Mueller, Mark Stewart, Oxford University Press

A system reliant on whispers, rumors and vacuous, unconfirmed information creates a bureaucracy steeped in self-created fears. READ MORE»

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