Dear John,

If you want to be known as a good leader, what I call a Coach Leader, then take a look at these 10 attributes and see how you do.

(and don’t miss the p.s.!)

If you are a Coach Leader then those you lead know:

  1. Kindness is your automatic response to people regardless of the news.
  2. You serve from a position of selflessness, knowing that helping others helps you.
  3. You start new relationships and affirm old ones by showing respect for the person in front of you.
  4. You exercise humility when you hear ideas and learn new things as your curiosity leads to amazing new insights.
  5. You do best when the pressure gets intense because self-control is second nature to you. In fact, you have learned that personal attacks handled with self-control elevate your leadership influence over time.
  6. You are positive because they can feel your positive attitude. They feel better about themselves and the future whenever they communicate with you.
  7. You look for the best in every person and every situation.
  8. You are the light in dark times and illuminate with clarity the way ahead.
  9. You never give up on them, their hopes and dreams, or the mission of the team.
  10. You stand firm with a warrior spine and an open heart regardless of the disruptions, challenges, and changes around you.

Being a Coach Leader is a choice.

Choose to become a Coach Leader and you Choose To Win!


P.s. Join me on a special free webinar: Leading in Times of Disruption - Why Coach Leadership is the Key to Business Success.

Learn more about the webinar and register right here.


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306