What is a customer journey map? A new playbook CIOs must master

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CIO Leader

Oct 16, 2018
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How CIOs tap startups to drive innovation

CIOs are increasingly cozying up to the cutting edge, using Shark Tank-like competitions, reverse pitches, and speed dating to identify startups that will fuel innovation and transform the business. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

What is a customer journey map? A new playbook CIOs must master
10 old-school IT principles that still rule
6 secrets of highly innovative CIOs
Leadership lessons from Linus Torvalds: 7 dos and 3 don'ts
5 CRM trends for 2018
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What is a customer journey map? A new playbook CIOs must master

CIOs driving digital business strategy must master their companies’ customer experience. That means working with marketing on the critical customer journey map. Read More

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10 old-school IT principles that still rule

Technology changes rapidly, but beneath the buzzwords, the fundamentals of sound IT strategy remain. Here are 10 graybeard IT tenets that still reign — when applied in their modernized guise. Read More

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6 secrets of highly innovative CIOs

Forward-looking CIOs are not only modernizing legacy systems, they’re redefining how IT works. Here’s a look at how to shift from an IT order-taker to a next-gen technology leader. Read More

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Leadership lessons from Linus Torvalds: 7 dos and 3 don'ts

You don't have to take a page out of his book to learn some valuable lessons from how Torvalds has managed the sprawling, self-selected, volunteer community of Linux developers—both the successes, and what led to his self-imposed exile. Read More

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5 CRM trends for 2018

Customer relationships are key to a healthy business. Here’s how organizations are making the shift to holistic, data-driven approaches to improving customer experience. Read More

CIO Insider

1. Why IT-business alignment still fails
2. 8 IT cost cutting mistakes you need to avoid
3. Top 12 ITSM tools for 2018
4. CIO resumes: 6 best practices and 4 strong examples
5. Top 10 GRC mistakes — and how to avoid them

Editor's Picks

1. IT skills gap: Facts vs. fictions
2. Developing data science skills in-house: Real-world lessons
3. The dark side of DevOps: Forewarned is forearmed
4. What is design thinking? The secret to digital success
5. 7 IT projects primed for augmented reality and virtual reality

State of the CIO 2019

We welcome your participation in CIO magazine’s 18th annual State of the CIO survey. Results will be published in a special Winter 2019 edition of CIO’s digital magazine and on CIO.com. Take the survey today!
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