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Sep 20, 2017
How data centers were able to weather Houston and Irma

The opening of hurricane season packed a punch with Harvey and Irma battering Texas and Florida, but there was some silver linings that came out of these natural disasters.more…


Top 10 most dangerous artists to search for online

Users searching for their favorite artists at work are putting the company's data at risk. more…

Massive spambot hoards over 711 million email address

A researcher uncovered a spamming operation that uses a list of some 711.5 million email addresses.more…

What we know and still don't know about the Equifax data breach

Equifax, the company with the sole responsibility of storing and maintaining sensitive data of U.S. users for the purpose of credit and background checks, announced that it has compromised the identity information of some 143 million people.more…

Symantec to host cybersecurity competition for education credit

As part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, Symantec is hosting a challenge for IT and security employees. more…

11 security questions every IT pro needs to know the answer to

Many small businesses believe they fly under hackers' radar and aren't worth attacking like the larger targets. As it turns out, it's the exact opposite. more…

Google removes 300 malicious botnet apps from Play Store

Botnets disguised as unassuming phone apps, ready to go off at a moment's notice sounds like a plot taken from a movie script. Except it was real, and involved Google and some 300 malicious apps.more…

Nigerian hacker behind over 4,000 scam attempts

Who still falls for the Saudi oil representative and Nigerian prince scam?

Turns out, at least 14 people around the world.more…



How To Create Consistent Self-Service for Clouds and Datacenters

Many enterprises are facing a dissonance between their massive VMware deployments and their cloud efforts. VMware applications are often designed differently and are managed by traditional ITSM workflows, while platforms like AWS or Azure embrace a self-service approach. In this webinar, we’ll talk about how enterprises build hybrid environments and deliver the self-service users expect, without sacrificing control or visibility.

Learn more!  more…

12 High Impact Tasks for CTOs to Increase Team Performance
Most CTOs would prefer to be wrestling with fun technical challenges than be bogged down in messy personnel issues. But the key leader with responsibility for driving performance across the entire technical organization must recognize how detrimental it is to ignore those people problems. Utilize this guide of powerful and simple actions you can instantly take to immediately impact the performance of your teams.
