Dear John,
A couple of weeks ago I was on a book tour for my new book Choose To Win. I had multiple interviews, podcasts, and meetings. Being on the Dave Ramsey show was a blast, and being on the Entreleadership podcast was incredible!
And yet, the best question of the week came from a 23-year-old young man.
I was having dinner with Caleb Miller and his grandfather, Dan Miller.
We were talking about the book Choose To Win, and Caleb asked me this question:
“How do you know if you have a bad habit?”
Wow! What a great question. (Luckily, I had just invested the last three years writing a book on this!)
First things first.
You can not really know if you have a bad habit until you have a clearly identified dream, goal, or objective. If you don’t have a “why,” you can’t really know if you have a bad habit. In the book Choose To Win we start with Why.
When you know what your Why is, what your dream is, what your goal is, then you can use this simple question to determine if you have a bad habit.
The simple question: “Will making this choice or doing this action take me closer to, or further from, my Why, dream, or goal?”
If it takes you further from where you want to go, it’s a bad choice, and if repeated -- it’s a bad habit.
Thank you, Caleb, for a great question!