Francisco Gomes Neto expected to run Embraer without a commercial airline unit, but he is making it work.
The Lee Company offers fluid control solutions designed to help optimize performance and reduce costs throughout your commercial or military aircraft. Our commitment to exceed expectations for reliability, utility, and quality is why Lee products can be found on almost every aircraft flying today.
Israel's replacement for the endo-atmospheric Arrow-2 interceptor is being designed with a lower cost target, with a goal of supporting high volume production.
NASA seeks commercial Lunar rover proposals and Axiom Space private astronauts depart space station. Take a look at these and more in our daily roundup of aerospace & defense news.
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An aerospace industry full of pent-up energy – and no small number of challenges – lands in Le Bourget next week. Aviation Week’s editors and data forecasters will take your questions and offer a sneak peak at what they will be watching for in commercial aviation and defense as the iconic air show makes its return after a four-year hiatus.
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