Why benchmarking can be good for individuals | 3 mindset pivots that help companies execute on strategy | Hispanics struggle to secure company leadership roles
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Why benchmarking can be good for individuals Adapting the tenets of benchmarking to personal goals can help people improve by emulating processes and progress of those they admire, writes Kevin Eikenberry. Be careful, however, not to simply copy behaviors or directly compare your success to theirs. Full Story: Leadership & Learning with Kevin Eikenberry (2/14)
Companies that have proven to be "lucky" actual have certain practices that result in their success, writes founder and author Jodie Cook. These companies protect their most valuable assets, create opportunities for inspiration, learn how to deal with bad times and invest in new ideas, Cook writes. Full Story: Forbes (tiered subscription model) (2/14)
3 mindset pivots that help companies execute on strategy Strategy needs to move from talking about problems to solving them, a shift that is easier when companies are focused on playing to strengths, finding root causes of problems and moving toward defined goals, writes Dave Coffaro. "An effective business strategy overweights attention to core competencies -- the things a company does best -- and steers clear of anything outside of that nucleus," Coffaro writes. Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (2/14)
The Hispanic population in the US is growing, yet a survey found Hispanics account for only about 4% of executive-level positions at major companies. Some companies are trying to bring more Hispanics into leadership by learning more about the Hispanic labor market, creating support groups and offering management programs. Full Story: Society for Human Resource Management (tiered subscription model) (2/12)
Hire Smart
How rising inflation is changing recruitment Creative recruiters are responding to labor shortages and high inflation in the US by establishing alumni networks, improving employees' skills and hiring candidates before deciding on their roles, writes Josh Bersin. "Finally, you have to accept the fact that dealing with inflation is now part of your job," Bersin writes. Full Story: Josh Bersin blog (2/12)
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The Landscape
1,430 unvaccinated employees terminated by NYC New York City has fired 1,430 employees who failed to get vaccinated against COVID-19, less than 1% of the city 's workforce. Most of those who were terminated worked for the Department of Education. Full Story: BNN Bloomberg (Canada) (2/14)
Chances are, if you're reading this and are in a committed, long-term romantic relationship, you've had more than your fair share of quarrels over TV or other forms of media. It's not exactly a groundbreaking revelation that fights about TV aren't really about TV, but rather overarching relationship dynamics and the ability to compromise. And the challenge isn't just about deciding on what to watch. It's also about how you watch and for how long. Full Story: The Ringer (2/14)
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