Hello Inner Journey subscriber.
It's coming....
6 DAYS to go
It's fast approaching.
In 1 WEEK, you'll get to see more of what
we've been up to this year.
Creating and innovating new, powerful and
useful tools to help you on your journey.
Simple, easy, insightful tools for revealing
and healing, advancing awareness, building
character, living your purpose and
manifesting your dreams.
AND yes with that we are doing our first
price increase in 15 years. So join us today
at our best prices and our coupon codes are
still valid to till March 1.
Meanwhile, we have created a tool that
everyone should have.
It is one of 3 Models of Life available March 1.
If you do not have a plan,
you are probably part of someone else's plan.
So if you want a fulfilled, abundant,
healthy life, why would you not have a plan
to get there? And build an unbreakable
foundation to grow from.
Below is a ONE PAGE LIFE PLAN/MAP that you
can use as your guide and checklist for
tracking your ever evolving journey. For a
PDF image of the MAP to print click the link.
Plus we will send you a monthly reminder and
tips to check in, update and refocus on the
next leg of your life journey.
Print the LIFE PLAN/MAP and use it as a
checklist and let us know what you are working
on next. You can even add your own growth
projects to each section.
Join Us Now!
One year coupon code is oneyear25 and
a life membership coupon code is life69
on our best old rates before the clock ticks
past Midnight of February 28.